Deme Tolgac Avatar
  • The EU – Europe’s knight in shining armour or downfall?

    These days, many of the national laws are triumphed by the decisions made by the European Union. Yet there is a record low turnout for the EU-elections with only 51% of Swedes voting in 2014. Having these numbers in mind, it is clear that the Swedes relationship to the EU is not all problem-free. With…

  • The People behind the Collegium: Part Two

    Name: Hieke Bruinsma Committee: Öresund Linking Minds How long have you had your position? Eight Months Why did you choose to become a collegial? Because I wanted to challenge myself in a new way by leading a committee! What has been your best experience as a collegial? All the amazing people I met through the…

  • The People behind the Collegium: Part One

    Name: Axel Nilsén Committee: Sexmästeriet How long have you had your position? A year Why did you choose to become a collegial? First of all I fell in love with Sexmästeriet and what they and LundaEkonomerna stand for, as well as the great community they create. I’ve always felt comfortable leading people and having a…

  • The Election Year of 2018

    The ballot is stronger than the bullet These famous words were once upon a time expressed by Abraham Lincoln. However, by no means, does that imply that they are less important now than they used to be. Rather the opposite. 2018 means election year in Sweden. And for us as students, it means building up…

  • Lundtan <3 Sexet

    Today is your last chance to apply for Sexmästeriet and the positions of Vice Bar and Vice Hovmästare. But what is it actually like to be part of the committee? I spoke to Elias Sovré, the current barmästare of Sexet about his time in what might be LundaEkonomernas most festive committee. Hi Elias! Tell us…

  • Annie Dahlemar: The Vinterbalen Project Leader

    What is Vinterbalen? Vinterbalen is LundaEkonomernas biggest event and a tradition going way back! This year we are actually celebrating the 18th edition to honor all of our active members that represent the union throughout the year! During the fall I applied and became a marshal for Vinterbalen 2017. Being  a marshal is for sure…

  • Magdalena and Theodor about Vinterbalen

    Save the date! The 6th of April is the last day to apply for the Vinterbalen committee. And this isn’t just any opportunity. This is your one and only chance to take part in one of the largest white tie balls in the Nordic region! However, since there are 5 available positions out now, knowing…

  • A chat with Hanna from KICC

    Hey Hanna, what is KICC? KICC is the world’s largest case competition for university students. Everything is arranged in close collaboration with KPMG. The competition is aimed towards master students, but everyone can apply! LundaEkonomerna arranges both the local and national competition. It all starts off on a local level: at different universities around Sweden.…

  • What’s new Daniel and Samuel?

    The eee-days are rapidly approaching with only ONE(!) day left until we kick off the actual fair. You might be familiar with the concept of eee by now, however, keeping up with all of the new features to this year’s fair might be easier said than done. I therefore decided to take the matter into…

  • In case of (Consulting) Kuala Lumpur

    Freddie Mercury started singing about champions back in 1977. 40 years later it was time for Lund’s very own champions to prepare for Kuala Lumpur. A couple of weeks ago, In Case of Consulting won the national final of the KPMG Case Competition, not only providing them with a flight ticket to Malaysia in April,…