Hey Hanna, what is KICC?
KICC is the world’s largest case competition for university students. Everything is arranged in close collaboration with KPMG. The competition is aimed towards master students, but everyone can apply! LundaEkonomerna arranges both the local and national competition. It all starts off on a local level: at different universities around Sweden. After a winning team has been selected at each university, they come to Lund and compete in the national finals. If your team is the lucky winner, a big adventure out in the world awaits. You will get to represent Sweden in the international competition that will be held a couple of months later. The winners of the last edition of KICC will be heading to Kuala Lumpur in one week to compete against teams from all over the globe!
Since your application is now open, what do you value in a member of the KICC committee?
A good start is if you are interested in the career leg of LundaEkonomerna and if the process of case solving intrigues you. Furthermore, striving towards being a good representative for LundaEkonomerna when being in contact with KPMG, as well as when interacting with other students and judges during the days of the competition is desirable. In other words, if you are driven and eager to develop your personal skills, you are the family member we are looking for!
How is the workload?
The workload varies, but is centred to the days of the event, which will be towards the end of this year. We will of course try to help each other as much as possible, so we get an even workload between everyone in the committee!
What can an applicant expect?
We are looking for four psyched and ambitious people to join our KICC ass gang of five:
– An Events Coordinator: The main responsibility this person will have is creating the final banquet for the KICC national sitting in Lund. Additionally, this person will be in charge of arranging events at school for people to get excited about the competition!
– A Logistics Coordinator: This person will be in charge of making sure that all practical aspects run smoothly. If you are a problem solver, then this is the position for you!
– A Judges and Sponsoring Coordinator: Are you good at pitching and have experience from sales? Perfect! We need your ideas on possible sponsors. Besides this, it will be up to you to help the judges get the best experience when they arrive at LUSEM. Since you will come into contact with CEOs, and other highly positioned representatives, putting on your best smile is an advantage.
A Marketing and Staff Coordinator: Without our staffers, we are nothing! And YOU will be the star that will help us gather the right people to execute this case competition in the best way possible. You will also be in charge of our marketing process, and we therefore very much value if you are a creative person for this position.
Hanna, what was your motivation when applying to become the project leader of KICC?
I love the concept of collaborating with KPMG to give students the opportunity of developing their case solving skills. This is an optimal chance to get an insight of
what a career within consulting could look like. It is super cool that this project also started out here in Lund, and is now a worldwide phenomenon (the world’s largest case competition!) My personal motivation is to make this project bigger and better than ever before, and with my committee, I believe nothing will be impossible!
When will the competition be arranged?
Sometime towards the end of this year, which gives us plenty of time to prepare and make sure that everything will be perfect. Together with KPMG later this fall, we will also arrange the so called “Ace the Case”, a training in case solving at KPMGs office in Malmö.