• The transformation of monarchies: One of the largest reality shows today

    Many of us have grown up with the story of a princess and a frog, dreaming of a grand fairy-tale wedding that Disney in large personifies. However, this is not just fairy-tale. In the last centuries, there have been considerable changes to what was previously a widespread phenomenon: monarchies. From absolute rulers to fairy-tale celebrities,…

  • When I traveled to Italy by train

    Three summers ago, I went by train to Naturno, Italy. I was going to the beautiful village, located right next to the mountains in South Tyrol, to visit my parents. As I planned my trip, I decided that I would go by train. Not mainly because Greta Thunberg had convinced me to, but because It…

  • The best events in Sweden

    After the covid-inflicted past two years, we can now look forward to some events that summer in Sweden has to offer. Ranging from Gothenburg to Gotland, there are many amazing places that not only arrange some of the largest events of the year but are also worth visiting just for the scenery alone. With the…

  • All you need is 20 Hours

    Do you often find yourself striving to learn more but oftentimes giving up when you slowly realize how much time and effort is needed to achieve the level of success you strive for? We all have those few things that we wish we could pick up as a side hobby, whether it be learning to…

  • Best Daytrips in Skåne

    What exists beyond the borders of Lund? As someone from Stockholm, I admit that I did not have a clue when I first arrived at the central station of Lund. It is easy to be consumed by the student life bubble, but sometimes, we have a weekend off from all the festivities and schoolwork. What…

  • The White House: a retirement home?

    The previous and present-day presidents in the United States have been the oldest in U.S. history, and why this is the case can prove rather confusing. During the election in 2016, Donald Trump at 70 years old replaced the oldest president in U.S. history, being 69-year-old Ronald Regan. Similarly, during the last election, Donald Trump…

  • Swedish food industry – as fair as you think?

    You may recognize the circle above. “Från Sverige” (from Sweden) is a label which guarantees that the meat is 100% Swedish. The blue and yellow stamp implies that choosing Swedish meat is a choice you should be proud of. But is it? Less than a year ago, Aftonbladet discovered how chickens were boiled alive at…

  • Time: What happened with 2020 and 2021?

    Have you ever thought about why time seems to be passing by so fast? In the case you have, I can assure you that you are not alone. My friends and I have on continuous occasions found ourselves looking back at these past years and noting a blur, recalling specific memories but not being able…

  • Climate compensation is stupid!

    It sounds good, does it not? Justifying your overconsumption by buying products from a company that claims to plant a tree easing your mind, and their own. The concept of climate compensation is nothing other than a marketing strategy to sell more useless items with good conscience. We cannot wait for a tree to grow…

  • New year, same me

    We read about it on Facebook, in magazines, and in the group chats we have with our friends. Of course, I am talking about New Year’s resolutions. “New year, new me” is a phrase that has been used for as long as most of us can probably remember and revolves around the promises we make…