Save the date! The 6th of April is the last day to apply for the Vinterbalen committee. And this isn’t just any opportunity. This is your one and only chance to take part in one of the largest white tie balls in the Nordic region! However, since there are 5 available positions out now, knowing which one to apply for might not be the easiest. That is why I have spoke to Theodor Detter and Magdalena Jener from the last Vinterbalen committee to sort out any questions! I asked them:
1: Tell us more about your former position in Vinterbalen
2: What was the best part of it?
3: What personal characteristics are good to have for the position?
4: The best part of being part of Vinterbalen overall?
5: Recommendations for anyone who wants to apply!
Theodor Detter
1: I was the Entertainment Coordinator in the former Vinterbalen Committee. The position’s main focus is the entertainment of the whole evening and everything regarding that. It aims at finding the perfect balance of performances and acts to get the ball as fun as possible. You email or call a lot of different people and you get an insight into the music and entertainment industry.
2: My favourite part of the ball was when the whole committee sat down together and the ball started. It felt so surreal, something we had worked together on for approximately 8 months was actually happening! The whole period of working together was also really fun, just having brunches with the committee to connect better might not seem like a big thing, but was so much fun!
3: I think the that the position of Entertainment Coordinator requires one to be stubborn and organized. You have to be stubborn as not all people you are going to call in the Entertainment Industry are quite easily manageable. You also make schedules and timetables for the evening, and for the practical work until the ball.
4: The best part of being part of Vinterbalen was definitely the close bonds with the committee and the lovely marshals. At first, the marshals were more like the committee’s novices, then it changed into being the committee’s best friends!
5: I would recommend giving concrete and realistic examples of entertainment acts to make you stand out! Remember, the budget is limited so you have to think smart! Don’t go overboard. Think of upcoming and semi-known performances and you will find the sweet spot!
If you have questions regarding my previous position before the interview don’t hesitate and contact me!
Magdalena Jener
1: I was the sponsorship coordinator for the Vinterbal 2017 and my role was to find companies to sponsor the ball. One of the things I loved about my role was that I kind of got a combination of two parts of LundaEkonomerna: social and career. Vinterbalen is under the social pillar but my role was more about contacting companies.
2: My favorite memory from the bal has to be when the whole committee sat down together and the bal started. We were all so nervous yet, at the same time, filled with excitement. It was a crazy feeling seeing everything we’d worked on since April come together.
3: Since the task of the sponsorship coordinators is to contact companies and there will be some negative responses I would say that it’s important to be eager and positive.
4: Definitely the committee! I love my committee (and all the marshalls!) and we had so much fun while planing the ball. Since the Vinterbal committee is quite smal, only six people, we all became very close and had a lot of fun.
5: I would recommend to give concrete examples in the interview of ideas and visions or what you want to accomplish for the Vinterbal 2018