The People behind the Collegium: Part One

Name: Axel Nilsén Committee: Sexmästeriet How long have you had your position? A year Why did you choose to become a collegial? First of all I fell in love with Sexmästeriet and what they and LundaEkonomerna stand for, as well as the great community they create. I’ve always felt comfortable leading people and having a…

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Name: Axel Nilsén

Committee: Sexmästeriet

How long have you had your position? A year

Why did you choose to become a collegial? First of all I fell in love with Sexmästeriet and what they and LundaEkonomerna stand for, as well as the great community they create. I’ve always felt comfortable leading people and having a position of trust. Thereby I felt Sexmästare was the perfect fit.

What has been your best experience as a collegial? The best experience as collegial is the opportunity to create and develop. Nothing is practically restricted and everything becomes what you chose to make it: the sky is the limit. I would like to think that I’ve helped the Union and Sexmästeriet develop and become even better. Becoming a part of this incredible, driven group has really given me new perspectives and helped me grow as a person!

What surprised you the most about working as a collegial?  I knew that the workload would be high, but what has surprised me the most is how much a group of driven people can accomplish together!

What did you not enjoy? One of the things that has to improve within the union is the process of gathering information and saving it for your successor to take part of. I have prioritized this within my committee and I don’t think this can be stressed enough!

What have you learned? I have learned so much about my self as a person, what I can do and what I need to change about myself. I would also say that I’ve learned how to co-operate better with other people and realized that the group is stronger than the individual.

What was the greatest challenge? My greatest challenge was probably as Tremästare, gathering “Hjältar”. Tremästare is for sure one of the toughest positions of trust, way harder than Sexmästare, and very mentally demanding as well as time consuming. Other than that I think that my greatest challenge as Sexmästare was understanding that my vision could be different from the other committee members.

What do you want to say to those thinking of applying for a collegial position?: DO IT! I can’t force enough how fun this year has been. If you like responsibility, because you have to like it in order to enjoy your position and do a good job, then it’s definitely the most developing part of student life.

Name: Niklas Wallström

Committe: Corporate Challenge

How long have you had your position? Five months

Why did you choose to become a collegial? It seemed like a great way to put into practice all the leadership I’ve learnt in school as well as a great way to learn and grow as a person in a more practical setting than school.

What has been your best experience as a collegial? Recruiting the committee and building the team into a strong group!

What surprised you the most about working as a collegial? The amount of help available. Especially from the board, but also from other collegial or active members and former committee members.

What did you not enjoy? That it some weeks takes a little bit too much focus, not necessarily time, but there’s often something in the back of my head that feels like it needs to be done.

What have you learned? To manage time and plan for when to set aside time for different tasks, as well as the importance of formulating common strategies and goals. It is more important than you think to sit down and have a proper talk about what it is we’re really supposed to be doing.

What was the greatest challenge? Since I do a lot of company relations, something that I have no prior experience of, that has been very challenging to learn. Just getting over the first unease of lifting the phone and giving someone a call. Once you get used to it it’s actually really fun!

What do you want to say to those thinking of applying for a collegial position? It is going to take up a lot of your focus, mainly because it is often more fun and rewarding than the school work. But it is also a great way to do something more practical than school, to learn practical skills. Something that I personally believe can be of more use than theoretical knowledge.

Name: Adam Lantz

Committe: Lund European Business Tour

How long have you had your position? I am at the start of my fourth month.

Why did you choose to become a collegial? I choose to become collegial to help, meet and learn from different students. I also become a collegial because I love to practice leadership and to improve as a person. I also had an interest to learn more about LundaEkonomerna.

What has been your best experience as a collegial? My best experience so far has been the recruitment of my committee. I found it very interesting to hold interviews and discuss applicants. I learned so much from the people that applied. Definitely an experience that will help me further on.

What surprised you the most about working as a collegial? The network. How close and welcoming everyone are in the collegium and how they made me feel welcome.

What did you not enjoy? My first meeting after I was elected with “FUM” when they discussed their strategy. Well, it was kinda fun, but it is the only thing I can think off.

What have you learned? Leadership, managing people, planning, budgeting and meeting techniques.

What was the greatest challenge? To choose a committee. It was so hard to pick the applicants. Everyone did such a good job.

What do you want to say to those thinking of applying for a collegial position? Just do it! It will be fun! It is not only what I say, it is fun. You also learn a lot! 

It is also very self fuifilling to do a good job and to work for a nonprofit that helps students also very beneficial overall!

All the best,


Name: Steve Strey

Committe: Master Committe

How long have you had your position? A year

Why did you choose to become a collegial? To make an impact within the union and because I love creating social events.

What has been your best experience as a collegial? The Gräddgasque weekend in UPPSALA!

What surprised you the most about working as a collegial? It really surprised me of HOW inspiring the meetings and the work with the other collegials is. All the collegials are really great persons and together we always came up with brilliant ideas for issues and improvements within LE.

Also it was SO much fun getting to know all the collegials and through them get an inside into the different committees

What did you not enjoy? Nothing

What have you learned? So much about leadership, Teamwork, how different people think and what great leaders we have in the collegial with so many great ideas of how to make LE the best it can be

What was the greatest challenge? Delegating tasks within my committee and trying to satisfy the wishes and goals of the union, the committee and the Master students

What do you want to say to those thinking of applying for a collegial position? APPLY!

Name: Sandra Skilberg

Committe: Education Committee

How long have you had your position? Almost a year now!

Why did you choose to become a collegial? I had been an active member in the committee for a year and was looking for new challenges. I still wanted to be in the same committee, but I wanted more responsibility!

What has been your best experience as a collegial? That is a difficult question, because it’s really about a wholeness! As a leader, I have been exposed to many different situations that I have learned so much from. It has been incredibly fun to work for different goals, while making sure everyone in the committee feels like they want to get there? 

As a collegial, I have also been given the opportunity for transparency in other committees and I have gained insight into how LE work and it’s challenges.

What surprised you the most about working as a collegial? That it actually gave me so much experience! I had a work interview for a summer job a few weeks ago. All situations the boss asked me to exemplify was I able to connect to the work as a project leader and collegial.

What did you not enjoy? Nothing that I can come up with now

What have you learned? Mostly how I am as a person. How I am as a leader, how I am in discussions, teamwork, conflicts, stressed situations, etc.

What was the greatest challenge? To manage the balance between performing at school as well as performing as a leader and a collegial.

What do you want to say to those thinking of applying for a collegial position? DO IT! We really have a variety of different committees in LE and there is something that suits everyone. It’s incredibly instructive and fun. You get knowledge, friends and “event benefits”! The process of applying for a collegial position is learning in itself and you should not be afraid to apply twice if you do not get it the first time.

About Nådiga Lundtan

Founded in 1948 and has since been an important part of student life in the economics program at Lund University. Nådiga Lundtan covers a wide range of topics related to economics, society, and politics, as well as careers, entrepreneurship, and innovation. It is a platform for students to share their ideas and opinions on economics and related fields.

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