Do They Know It’s Christmas Royalties?
We are currently finding ourselves in the most wonderful time of the year: Christmas! Can you really believe it? Santa Claus is coming to town! One thing a stereotypical economist likes more than Christmas however; money. Money, money, money. But for some people, those topics go hand in hand. Christmas is the time of year where…
An Exclusive Interview with Mia Rolf, CEO of Ideon Science Park
Digitalization, Venture Capital and Mentorship.
THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Does the result affect the Swedish Economy?
We have now passed the first Tuesday of november 2020 and this year’s election has in many ways been like no other yet. Although the world’s full attention remains on America, Lundtan now wants to take a step back and reflect on what possible effects the outcome can have on the Swedish economy. In order…
The End of Society as we Know it?
When I’m writing this, it is Monday 2.02 pm. Black Friday is this upcoming Friday. So far today, I have received 9 emails and 4 texts about “Black Week” and how prices are now lower than ever. We live in a consumption society. Wherever you look, people try to make you consume more. Open your…
Screw it, Let’s do it!
A source of inspiration for all daring LundaEkonomer. Entrepreneurs are inspirational. It takes a certain kind of madness to risk one’s own living and social security to plunge themselves into the grim world of business. There are threats in every corner, there are unforeseen expenses and there’s a phenomenal quantity of challenges. For most of…
A Day With the EFL
In Alpha 1, the building across the parking lot from EC, one finds offices belonging to EFL, or the Executive Foundation Lund. Many Lundaekonomer have encountered it at some point, but what exactly it is and what they do can seem a bit of a mystery to some of us, at least to us at…
The people behind
For many a LundaEkonom, the site is an invaluable source of easily accessible statistics and explanations of economic phenomena. Its to-the-point presentation of data from SCB, OECD and Eurostat (among other sources) makes it an excellent provider of facts not just for aspiring economists, but also for laymen. We took an interest in the…
Meet Kevin Östlin – Student and a rising entrepreneur
When Kevin was 14 years old he started his first “business”, importing products from China and selling them online. Two years ago he started his own marketing company Visual World, and is currently also a part of a startup soon about to be launched. I met 21-year-old Kevin Östlin, currently studying his second year in…
The story of Espresso House
From Lund to the world? – The Story of Espresso House Many people know about Lund as a city of innovation during the years in which the university has been a prominent feature in the town. Inventions such as the first respirator, the artificial kidney and Bluetooth all origins from Lund University. But Lund…
The Election Year of 2018
The ballot is stronger than the bullet These famous words were once upon a time expressed by Abraham Lincoln. However, by no means, does that imply that they are less important now than they used to be. Rather the opposite. 2018 means election year in Sweden. And for us as students, it means building up…