Olivia Kjelkvik Avatar
  • Which flower to give on Valentine’s Day

    Tulips are probably the most popular flower in Sweden and Swedes are known for their consumption of tulips during the tulip season. An estimated 130 to 140 million tulips are sold during that season, which runs from 15th of January to Easter. Perhaps the popularity of the tulip is related to the many different types…

  • What do NFTs have to do with art?

    Last year, 2021, was the year when cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology witnessed massive growth, both in market capital and infrastructure development. Non-fungible tokens or NFTs are based on blockchain technology and can be anything digital, like drawings, music, illustrations, photos, movies or games. However a lot of the current excitement around NFTs comes from using…

  • How to maximize your learning with physical activity

    It is known that being active improves your wellbeing and the development of both mental and physical health. It is therefore not surprising that it also contributes to improving your performance in school. As a student you are spending a lot of time sitting, especially during the current Covid-19 restrictions. A week full of lectures…

  • Cozy Christmas or child rights crisis?

    We have been given the unique opportunity to have an interview with Pernilla Baralt, Executive Director of UNICEF Sweden. With her help, we get an insight into how the well-being of children and young people around the world looks like and how it is affected during holidays. She has previously worked for the EU Commission…

  • Klimatstudenterna show the way for us all

    Klimatstudenterna is a national non-profit association that was started in 2018 by students at SLU in Uppsala. Today, the association is present in 9 countries, Kenya, Great Britain, Singapore, Brazil, Nigeria, Colombia, Malta, Sweden and Finland. In Sweden, the association consists of a national board and local groups at 18 different universities. They are working…

  • The Glasgow climate conference

    Countries all over the world are working together against an undeniable problem, climate changes. Between 31st October and 12th November 2021 is the United Nations climate change conference, COP26, in Glasgow. It is in progress to negotiate on global climate work under the Paris agreement, COP21. Among other things, the countries will negotiate rules for…

  • The beautiful architecture in Lund

    We are privileged to study in a city that has many buildings with incredibly beautiful architecture. Most of the buildings have been standing here for many years and hopefully many more to come. The old buildings’ architecture is different from how architects design and create art in today’s society. Our society’s thought of “less is…

  • The Novice Week in Lund

    The Novice Week has been a spectacular happening for new business students for many years. The event is created by the Novice Committee and the main purpose is to introduce new students to Lund as a city, the student union of LundaEkonomerna, and most importantly all their new friends. The COVID-19 situation has affected all…