The End of Plastic Bag Taxes: Are We Headed for Environmental Disaster?
This article may contain personal opinions. The writer is responsible for any opinions expressed in the article. These opinions are not reflective of LundaEkonomerna, which maintains a politically neutral stance.
The Sun’s Warm Embrace in Swedish Culture
In the land of the midnight sun, where daylight hours change with the seasons, the arrival of the sun’s first rays holds a special bond for Swedes. With the long, dark winters, the precious sunlight becomes a cherished thing, eagerly awaited and celebrated. As the sun rises on the Nordic skies for longer hours, Swedes…
Why do we choose to ignore climate change?
Climate change is something that we are all familiar with, a topic that has been brought to the forefront of debate in the past decade. However, because climate change is such a widespread phenomenon, it is mind-boggling as to why so many choose to ignore it. Throughout the past few decades, the effects of climate…
How to Be a Responsible Consumer in the Age of Fast Fashion
Bright tones, hot pink, geometric and floral patterns, monochrome sets. The Spring collection of Zara is one that is both captivating and a breath of fresh air as we all transition from wearing base layers and meeting friends for fika to wearing shorts and sipping aperol spritz on a terrace. To celebrate this transition, the…
Klimatstudenterna show the way for us all
Klimatstudenterna is a national non-profit association that was started in 2018 by students at SLU in Uppsala. Today, the association is present in 9 countries, Kenya, Great Britain, Singapore, Brazil, Nigeria, Colombia, Malta, Sweden and Finland. In Sweden, the association consists of a national board and local groups at 18 different universities. They are working…
The Glasgow climate conference
Countries all over the world are working together against an undeniable problem, climate changes. Between 31st October and 12th November 2021 is the United Nations climate change conference, COP26, in Glasgow. It is in progress to negotiate on global climate work under the Paris agreement, COP21. Among other things, the countries will negotiate rules for…