The Board spills their Secrets – Meet the New Board
Welcome back all LundaEkonomer, a new school year has begun and amidst the flurry of new friendships and memories, there’s another exciting development – a brand new board has taken over the reins at Skånis! The board consists of ten positions that were elected late spring, big congratulations! Now that they have fully embraced their new…
Here Are the students of LUSEM’s Preferred Study Soundtrack
Are you familiar with the notion that listening to classical music can make you more intelligent? This widely held belief dubbed the “Mozart effect”, is based on a small study made in the 90s, where participants who got to listen to classical music before taking an IQ test performed better than those who did not.…
The Long-Awaited International Festival is Finally Here!
Springtime has finally reached Lund, greeting us with longer and more enjoyable days. As if that wasn’t exciting enough, the International Committee is gearing up for their annual International Festival. You certainly don’t want to miss this cultural exchange. In a more globalized world, and not to mention the international setting as LUSEM increasingly is…
Insights From the eeeDays – Valued Qualities of the Modern Job-Candidate.
During two hazy, rainy days towards the end of February, the 40th annual eeeDays unfolded at Holger Crafoord’s ekonomicentrum. LUSEM annually stands as a host of the largest career fair in the Nordic region, which this year eee-committee nailed with honors. The premises were filled from opening to closing with bigshot exhibitors like H&M and…
Is Your Pitch Ready for Shark Tank?
We start another year, and yet another semester marked by opportunities, this time for your career. Both new and old students, this one’s for you! In February we await the biggest career fair orchestrated by the eee Committee. Namely the eeeDays! During these days, the eee Committee is hosting a range of activities, apart from…
Are you our next Active Member?
Why should you be an Active Member of LundaEkonomerna? LundaEkonomerna is the meeting place and Union for all students who study at LUSEM. The main purpose of LundaEkonomerna is to ensure that students get the most out of their university experience. This includes monitoring the quality of the education, developing the school, making sure that…
Where traditions battle change; where memories materialize; where students become adults
Three Lessons from Three Years at LUSEM For me, coming to Lund meant a wild and vivid feeling of falling in love with a city. As time faded, that feeling transformed into something consistent and comforting. Over three years, I, as well as those around me have changed, while Lund has remained still. Entering the…
A week with LE Board
We all have seen that yellow castle in front of EC3. For those of you who don’t know, that is Skånis. Maybe you have been there during Novice Week or just drank coffee with your friends there. But who is actually there during the days? I can tell you that it is the Board of…
Should I stay or should I go? – The semester of endless opportunities
If you are studying a program or even selective courses at LUSEM, you might have thought about what to do during your fifth semester. During this period, students are relatively free to study or work with something of their choice. But being free with unlimited possibilities could also make one feel lost. What should I…
Ever heard of the LE Consulting Club?
Like many others, you probably started studying at LUSEM without knowing what you wanted to do afterwards. Personally, I always dreamt of being an elite athlete, but you know the story, without injuries, I would be representing Sweden by now!! Dreams and cliches aside, lets circle back to the topic of this article: your career.…