Allie Blomqvist Avatar
  • Here Are the students of LUSEM’s Preferred Study Soundtrack 

    Are you familiar with the notion that listening to classical music can make you more intelligent? This widely held belief dubbed the “Mozart effect”, is based on a small study made in the 90s, where participants who got to listen to classical music before taking an IQ test performed better than those who did not.…

  • 2024 Was the Year I Pulled Off My Phone-Detox, and It Is Even Better Than Imagined 

    It all began during an especially rough patch in my recent exam period (It was at the point where I had no nails left, and my diet consisted exclusively of Dafgårds Färdigrätter). A friend pitched the idea of deleting all forms of entertainment from our phones, in the pursuit of getting the most studying possible…

  • A Beginner’s Guide to Valborg in Lund 2024

    As a first-year student in Lund, I have been eagerly looking forward to the celebration of Valborg since receiving my letter of admission. For those of you who are about to experience their first Valborg in Sweden, the holiday is celebrated throughout the country on the 30th of April. However, as many cities settle for…

  • Insights From the eeeDays – Valued Qualities of the Modern Job-Candidate.

    During two hazy, rainy days towards the end of February, the 40th annual eeeDays unfolded at Holger Crafoord’s ekonomicentrum. LUSEM annually stands as a host of the largest career fair in the Nordic region, which this year eee-committee nailed with honors.  The premises were filled from opening to closing with bigshot exhibitors like H&M and…

  • 5 Date Ideas for Valentine’s Day, Whatever Your Current Relationship Status

    The massive, lovesick enthusiasm for Lundtan’s and Sonden’s blind date collaboration caught the editorial staff off guard! However, we gathered for a night of intensive deliberation, cyberstalking and matchmaking. And as the dust settled, we could conclude that we had engineered some pairings destined for wedding bells and future visits from the stork. However, now…