Are you our next Active Member? 

Why should you be an Active Member of LundaEkonomerna? LundaEkonomerna is the  meeting place and Union for all students who study at LUSEM. The main purpose of  LundaEkonomerna is to ensure that students get the most out of their university experience.  This includes monitoring the quality of the education, developing the school, making sure  that…

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Why should you be an Active Member of LundaEkonomerna? LundaEkonomerna is the  meeting place and Union for all students who study at LUSEM. The main purpose of  LundaEkonomerna is to ensure that students get the most out of their university experience.  This includes monitoring the quality of the education, developing the school, making sure  that the student gets a chance to improve themselves, reach their future ambitions, and opportunities to socialize and network. In the end of the article you can read some interviews with some of our amazing Active Members and their experience.   

The active positions in LundaEkonomerna stand on four legs on which the Union activities are based. It´s Education, Career, Social and General. Within these legs, there are 26 Committees and Projects. When you are a part of a Committee or Project you are called an Active Member. The Union consists of 250+ Active Members and as an Active Member, you get more involved within the Union. To become an Active Member, you apply to a position of your choosing and hope to be chosen, no previous experience is required. Since there are large offerings there is something for everyone. Together you will be working towards the goals of the Committee being led by a so-called Project Leader who is chosen by the General Council or the Board Members. As an Active Member, you get to take part in all activities for Active Members. As a thanks to all the hard work they put into the Union, there are a number of events in their honor. 

Speaking of thanking our Active Members – last week, The Vieri Project arranged the semiyearly Active Member’s Day (AMD). An exciting event to show appreciation for Active Members. It is a day packed with fun activities that later ends with a big sittning at a secret location. This semester the theme was different destinations and all teams were given separate ones. During the day activities we competed against each other in 6 different competitions including airport security, musical bags, and clothes race. It is a fun opportunity to get to know new people from other Committees and create memories. The winner was later announced at the sittning where the winner was crowned by the well-known “hela havet stormar” (musical chairs). At the sittning we got the opportunity to mingle, eat delicious lasagna, and watch an amazing spex by the one and only, Vieriet, consisting of beautiful dancing in impressive outfits. The night ended on a big dance floor, with good music and entertainment from LE Band (even Christmas songs in November!?!) with happy, dance-hungry people. A day you don’t want to miss out on. Get involved now, and take part in all the perks of being an Active Member! 

Not convinced yet? – Let’s hear from some of the current active members

Lisa Holm, Communications Manager, Board ( used to be a part of the Marketing Group.)

 – What is the best part of being an active member? 

The best part of being an Active Member is the community you get to be a part of! 

– Your best memory within the Union? 

My best memory is definitely all the events that our lovely Vieri put together to thank all our active members such as Astro or Active Member’s Day. But being a fadder was also a really fun and magical experience that I feel so grateful for still today! 

– What is the best part of being on the board? 

The best thing about being on the Board is everything! But if I have to sum it up into one sentence: Getting to work so close to the other Board Members, Project Leaders, and Active Members who share the same passion for LundaEkonomerna is so much fun and truly something special. 

– What would you like to say to someone who wants to become an active member?

I would say go for it! I am so thankful for the experience, friends, and memories my journey in LundaEkonomerna has given me and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

Elin Skaränger Littmarck, Project Leader, The Vieri Project

– What is the best part of being an active member? 

The best part of being an Active Member is definitely the sense of community and engagement it offers. I’ve not only built a strong network but also forged meaningful friendships with like-minded individuals. It’s like being part of a big, fun, and hardworking family! 

  – Your best memory within the Union? 

One of my absolute favorite memories within the Union has to be going to Uppsala with the collegium and partying with Uppsalaekonomerna! Also the thrill of planning and executing something from scratch, the shared excitement as it all came together, and the smiles on everyone’s faces – those moments truly makes the hours of work worth it!  

– What is the best part of being a project leader? 

The best part of being a Project Leader is the incredible opportunity to be part of our lovely Collegium, and sharing experiences with other project leaders. Leading a Committee allows me to hone my leadership skills and helps me develop on personal levels as well.   

– What would you like to say to someone who wants to become an active member? 

Don’t hesitate – becoming an Active Member is hands down the best decision I’ve made since moving to Lund. The hours you invest comes back to you twofold, not just in the skills you gain or the events you contribute to, but in the incredible friendships and experiences that become a highlight of your university journey. 

Adam Bengtsson, Speakers & Special Projects for the eeeDays and Ordinary member of the General Council

-What is the best part of being an active member?

The best part of being an Active Member for me has been to meet so many new friends! Sometimes I come across the thought ”What if I hadn’t applied for this position?” and it really makes me sad, because of the fact that I wouldn’t have known all the amazing people I now know!

-Your best memory within the Union?

Every Active Member that gets this question always goes ”Hmm, it’s so hard to choose just one!” but to be honest, it is so true! However, going to Vinterbalen and the Astro Gala with your fellow Committee members is a memory for life, but also just hanging out with your Committee is so precious!

-What have you learnt from being an active member?

Actually a lot! In my case I am/have been active in one green leg, one blue leg and one general leg committee and they have given me valuable experiences in many different ways. Yet, I would say that all of them have improved my skills in time-management, planning and socializing even more!

-What would you like to say to someone who wants to become an active member?

Do not be afraid to apply! I have been to a lot of interviews and gotten rejected to some of the positions, however I like to think that just going to the interview and doing your best is an accomplishment itself. LundaEkonomerna really has something for everyone, so explore the different Committees at the webpage and send that application away – you won’t regret it!!!

Ellen Christofi Johansson, Editor in Chief and Project Leader of Nådiga Lundtan

– What is the best part of being an active member?  

Definitely meeting lots of new people that I never would’ve had the chance to get to know otherwise! I truly feel like I’ve made friends for life, especially in Lundtan, and they make me so happy that I chose to move to Lund out of all places.  

  -Your best memory within the Union?  

Hmm so many to choose from! I might have to say our Lundtan Kick-off this semester, since it was one of the first times the new team all got to meet and truly got to know each other, and it was such a success.  

-What is the best part of being a project leader?  

Honestly, just seeing the team work so well and grow together! It’s such a great feeling to see the work we put out, and how each and everyone’s personalities shine through in what we post. But I’ve also enjoyed getting to figure out my own leadership style. 

Ester Odung, Communications Coordinator, LE Sustainability

– What is the best part of being an active member?  

The best part is that I have made new friends and that I’ve gotten new knowledge that I think will be useful for the future. 

– Your best memory within the Union?  

I would say it was Astro this spring, it was so much fun! Also, I would have to say the day of Corporate Challenge which was the committee I was a part of before I joined LE Sustainability. It was great to see everything we worked for during months come to life.   

– What would you like to say to someone who wants to become an active member?  

Absolutely do it, you won’t regret it!!   

– What made you apply for your position?  

I applied to LE Sustainability because I’m interested in sustainability and thought that the committee’s work was really important. I specifically applied for communications coordinator as I think marketing is really fun and wanted to try something new. 

 Alice Behrens, Photographer for the Marketing Group & Ordinary Member of the General Council

-What is the best part of being an active member? 

The best part is without a doubt all the amazing people I have met and the feeling of fellowship. To join LundaEkonomerna was the best decision I made in order to spice up my student life here in Lund for sure! 

-Your best memory within the Union? 

My best memories are all the time I have had with my amazing committee! Not only the festivities like Astro and Active Members Day, but also just the weekly meetings talking to your friends. Your committee really becomes like your little extra family!  

– What made you apply for your position? 

I first stumbled across the Marketing Group at the committee mingle last fall as a novice. I have always had a big interest in marketing, so joining Marketing Group was really a good choice for me. I wanted to learn more about marketing, aside from school work, and also join the lovely community of LundaEkonomerna. The decision to candidate for General Council was to understand the Union from within and to represent the green leg in decisions.  

-What would you say to someone who wants to become an active member? 

Apply! Don’t be afraid to ask questions to the committee you are interested in. I promise everyone in LundaEkonomerna is very friendly and helpful and will guide you through the, perhaps a little bit overwhelming, Union. It’s just as fun as everyone says and you definitely won’t regret joining!

Tova Mark, Project leader,  Nominations Committee 

-What is the best part of being an Active Member?

The people! You get to meet soooo many amazing characters, every day is a blast. That makes you grow a lot yourself as a person, the last 1,5 years with LundaEkonomerna has been a journey for me on  a personal level.

–  What is the best part of being a Project leader? 

Seeing my committee members become more and more comfortable and self confident, while helping them along the way. It makes my heart full. <3

– What would you like to say to someone who wants to become an Active Member?

Becoming active is most of the time more about who you are as a person rather than your actual experiences. Do not doubt yourself! Life rule number one: you always regret not doing something more than you regret the things you actually did!

About Nådiga Lundtan

Founded in 1948 and has since been an important part of student life in the economics program at Lund University. Nådiga Lundtan covers a wide range of topics related to economics, society, and politics, as well as careers, entrepreneurship, and innovation. It is a platform for students to share their ideas and opinions on economics and related fields.

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