• Volleyball With EY 2019!

    On the 11th of September, the brand new committee LE Sports hosted an event together with EY, the annual Volleyball with EY! We had a chat with two of the sports coordinators of the committee, Eline and Henning, and discussed both the event and their new committee. When asking them about how the event went,…

  • A Day With the EFL

    In Alpha 1, the building across the parking lot from EC, one finds offices belonging to EFL, or the Executive Foundation Lund. Many Lundaekonomer have encountered it at some point, but what exactly it is and what they do can seem a bit of a mystery to some of us, at least to us at…

  • Lundtan Meets: The Student Priests

    Most students have heard of the student priests, but unfortunately, in the experience of us at Lundtan, a lot of us are unsure of what exactly it is they do. We decided to contact them for an interview and got to talking about their activities, their relation to the university and the church as well…

  • Lundtan Meets: The New Board, Part 2

    You’ve already met half of them, and it is now time to introduce the second half of our amazing board! Harmke Lüken, International Affairs Manager What does your position in the board entail? – I am responsible for the internationalisation of our Union. Buzzwords aside, I am responsible for keeping our focus towards an open…

  • Lundtan Meets: The New Board, Part 1

    A new school year has started, and Lund is again full of excited students. Some are perhaps starting their first-ever university studies, some might have come back to the city after a well-deserved summer holiday. Everywhere you go, you see people meeting new friends, moving into new apartments, and of course; a new board has…

  • “I want to give back to the union, what this union has given to me”

    Earlier this semester, the new President of LundaEkonomerna was elected alongside the rest of the Board of LundaEkonomerna 2019/2020. It is an driven and ambitious group of people who has been elected, and of course we want to get to know them a little better. Therefore, Nådiga Lundtan sat down to have a chat with…

  • Meet Henrik Jönsson, co-founder of hungrig.se

    Henrik Jönsson has recently come into the public eye as a YouTuber providing commentary on society, politics and cultural phenomena. At 43 000 subscribers currently, this channel is probably the venue where the most people have encountered Jönsson. However, as it turns out, the scope of Jönsson’s entrepreneurial undertaking extends to many other things. Jönsson…

  • Ready, set, go!

    It is a gloomy afternoon in mid March but spring has already started to show signs of longer days and better weather. With spring on the horizon so is one of the biggest, and most intense, social events of the year – tandem 2019. Originally, biking was the transportation of choice used between Gothenburg and…

  • Lundtan <3 ÖLM - Episode 3

    The last episode of the Lundtan <3 ÖLM podcast is finally here! Today, we are accompanied with in other than Carl-Oscar Westerlund, event coordinator in the committee! In this episode, the competition in general is discussed, and we also find out a bit more about our dear friends across the bridge. If you want to…

  • The people behind ekonomifakta.se

    For many a LundaEkonom, the site ekonomifakta.se is an invaluable source of easily accessible statistics and explanations of economic phenomena. Its to-the-point presentation of data from SCB, OECD and Eurostat (among other sources) makes it an excellent provider of facts not just for aspiring economists, but also for laymen. We took an interest in the…