Lundtan Meets: The New Board, Part 2

You’ve already met half of them, and it is now time to introduce the second half of our amazing board! Harmke Lüken, International Affairs Manager What does your position in the board entail? – I am responsible for the internationalisation of our Union. Buzzwords aside, I am responsible for keeping our focus towards an open…

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You’ve already met half of them, and it is now time to introduce the second half of our amazing board!

Harmke Lüken, International Affairs Manager

What does your position in the board entail?

– I am responsible for the internationalisation of our Union. Buzzwords aside, I am responsible for keeping our focus towards an open and international environment. I represent us in the I-Forum and work towards an inclusive environment for our international members. 

What would you most like to accomplish during the upcoming year?

– A growing number of our members are international, and they face different challenges than Swedish students may face. I want to make their experience in Lund as smooth as possible. Further, I want to extend the events available for Master and exchange students

How international are you?

– I lived, studied and worked in 5 countries so far and have friends all around the globe. I grew up in the Frisian part of Germany. Thus German was my first foreign language. I speak four languages fluently and plan to learn Swedish as well. I think this gives me quite some international experience and an open mindset towards other cultures. However, in my heart, I will always be “Ostfriese”. 

If you would win 10 million dollars here and now, what would you do?

– I will exchange it immediately into Swiss Francs! The Trumpets “greenback” is just printed paper.  

What is your secret superpower? 

– I get rarely stressed even in demanding situations. 

What informal role will you have on the new board of LundaEkonomerna?

– I always see the best in other people and try to help them reach their full potential.  

What do you look forward to the most next year within LundaEkonomerna?

– The upcoming year will likely be my last one as a student. I look forward to every second of it and will try to make it the best year I had so far. 

Carl Ericson, Educational Affairs Manager

What does your position in the board entail?

– As the Educational Affairs Manager, I will be responsible for the welfare of our students and the educational surveillance. I am also here to help students with school issues to improve the study environment.

My position also entails working closely with Molly, our Vice President to improve the relationship between LundaEkonomerna and LUSEM.  I will also be the contact person for a few committees, one of them being the Education Committee. 

What would you most like to accomplish during the upcoming year?

– Since I have experience from studying abroad, I have a few ideas of what can be implemented here in Lund. As an example, the degrees in the UK are a bit more specific when it comes to prepare the students for the working life, such as using case studies and real-life business examples in the study plan. I believe that this could be implemented to a greater extent here in Lund. 

You have been studying in Newcastle earlier; in what way is that different from Lund?

– Both are great student cities. I would say that the main difference is that Lund has more to students when it comes to engagement and activities. It also rains slightly less here in Lund.

What place in the world would you most like to visit?

– I have never been to South America, so one day I will have to make my way over there. 

What is your dream job?

– I would like to start my career in the consultancy business. I think that would be a great opportunity to get to know all sides of most industries. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll have my own consultancy firm?

What is your hidden talent?

– I would say that I am a decent bass player. Besides that people have told me that I am quite good at remembering quotes from movies and TV-series. 

What do you look forward to the most next year within LundaEkonomerna?

– I am very much looking forward to working with the new board to ensure a great student environment for all our members. 

Matilda Eklund, President

What does your position in the board entail?

– Wow, that is hard to pinpoint, but in short- I’m the uttermost responsible of this union and its operations, with special internal responsibility for the board and the boardwork. My job also entails representing all the members at all times externally in Lund and Sweden and internally here at LUSEM. 

What would you most like to accomplish during the upcoming year?

– I have a lot I want to do, but the most important one is that I want to make sure we continue making students get the most out of their student experience. This involves mental health, environmental sustainability, inclusivity, internationalisation and a lot more. And to have fun and learn a lot on the way. 

What kind of leader are you?

– One that wants their coworkers and all members of LundaEkonomerna to be able to grow in the direction they want to. I see my job as creating the absolute best conditions to allow others to develop and grow, and feel good while doing it. 

If you would win 10 million dollars here and now, what would you do?

– 10 million dollars to the union? Something that would give the absolute most value to our members. What would you want? I’d have to ask you! 

What is your secret superpower?

– Taekwondo kicks and dry humor

What do you look forward to the most next year within LundaEkonomerna?

– I can’t give you a good answer to that. Because it’s kind of everything. 

Anton Alm, Treasurer

What does your position in the board entail?

– First, I am a member of the board and work with long term strategic decisions to make sure all of our members are part of the best student union in the galaxy. Secondly, as the Treasurer I am responsible for the union’s finances, the annual report and I am utmost responsible for the budget for the operational year. 

What would you most like to accomplish during the upcoming year?

I have three main focus areas. Continue to develop and enhance the Treasury. Making sure that we really use our financial assets to give back to our members. The last one is the welfare of both our members and active members when it comes to physical and mental health, #WeCare is really important. 

When you get your salary, do you spend it all at once or save the most of it?

– Haha, very good question. I save a bit of me salary. As a kid I always read the comic paper Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge surely affected me since I am a savings nerd (Sparnörd) now. 

What is your hidden talent?

– I used to be a fairly good floorball player and actually played professionally. 

Where have you travelled this summer, and why?

– I spent some time doing local touristing with my mom and dad here in Skåne, which is beautiful during the summer, you should try it out. 

What is your dream job?

– I would actually like to start my own company or join a newly founded one and tag along on that exciting journey from start-up to full blown company.  

What do you look forward to the most next year within LundaEkonomerna?

– I am very much looking forward to working and getting to know the new board and to make this union even better than it already is. I would also be lying if I said that I wasn’t looking forward to all the amazing things that our active members create during a year with LundaEkonomerna. 

Adrian Schmidt, Internal Relations Manager

What does your position in the board entail?

– As Internal Relations Manager, I am essentially responsible for the wellbeing and working conditions for all our active members and Project Leaders. 

My main responsibility is working continuously with the Collegium as a forum for knowledge sharing and education for our Project Leaders. The role also comes with overall responsibility for our organisational culture, thus I am also responsible for all internal processes and our guiding documents and policies. 

What would you most like to accomplish during the upcoming year?

– A better work culture. In many ways we are the greatest Union in the world, but we need to do better in lowering stress and pressure on all our members. That is what I will strive for during this upcoming year.

I believe few people know LundaEkonomerna as well as you do. For how long have you been in Lund, now again?

– Haha, well I just finished my Masters degree so this year will be my sixth. 

Who is your role model and why?

– David Bowie! Definition of a superstar, not only inspiring millions of people with his music. But also for always being himself and showing that you should always be true to yourself!

What is your secret superpower?

– I have a weirdly great memory for strange facts. Did you know wombats only poop squares?

What place in the world would you most like to visit?

– As a Lord of the Rings fan I guess anything but New Zeeland would be heresy!

What do you look forward to the most next year within LundaEkonomerna?

– Getting to work with an awesome group of people is a given! But the opportunity to have a positive, deeper, impact on LundaEkonomerna must the number one!

About Nådiga Lundtan

Founded in 1948 and has since been an important part of student life in the economics program at Lund University. Nådiga Lundtan covers a wide range of topics related to economics, society, and politics, as well as careers, entrepreneurship, and innovation. It is a platform for students to share their ideas and opinions on economics and related fields.

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