Case Solving has come to be more important than ever, and in many corporations, case has become an examination method in the recruitment process when recruiting new associates. Business schools worldwide have therefore begun to focus on educating their students in case solving, among others Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM). LundaEkonomerna and LUSEM have in collaboration started a brand new case competition that gives students the opportunity to learn and compete in case solving, LUSEM Case Competition, where the winners will get to represent LUSEM at the international stage. This year, the best placed team consisting of Bachelor students will represent LUSEM at BI International Case Competition Nordic Edition. I had a quick chat with Malkolm Wester, project leader of the Future of Case-committee, to find out more.
What is Future of Case and more importantly LUSEM Case Competition?
Thank you for asking! As some of you may know, LundaEkonomerna has had several committees during the last couple of years that have arranged different case events or competitions. This year, we decided to put focus on one single case project, Future of Case, which arranges several case events during the course of the year, for example lectures, case training and last but not least a brand new case competition, named LUSEM Case Competition. LUSEM Case Competition is a two-day competition which this year will be arranged on the 4th and 5th of February, where students will get to solve cases of different length and character. The best placed team consisting of Bachelor students will get to represent LUSEM on the international stage, an opportunity not to be missed!
What can we expect from the LUSEM Case Competition?
Prior to the competition, participants will be given the opportunity to participate in case training, in order to get some experience of case solving prior to the competition. We will also arrange an inspirational seminar, called “How To Be a Changemaker” prior to the competition in collaboration with Sustainable Future Hub. This seminar will be open for everyone and I can assure you that you do not want to miss it, check out the event at Facebook! At the competition, you will get to solve varying cases of different length and character. Due to the current situation with COVID-19 we will have to conduct the competition online, but participants will be provided with delivered food, drinks and snacks.
The theme of this year’s competition is “Disruption & Sustainability”, which is about presenting socially, economically, environmentally sustainable and last but not least profitable solutions for fictive or real companies with regards to disruptions in business environments. Disruption is a process in which established ways an organization operates is challenged by for example innovation or regulation. The best placed team consisting of Bachelor students will get to represent LUSEM at BI International Case Competition Nordic Edition, a digital competition where they will compete against teams from seven other Nordic universities.
What has caused the uprising of case solving?
I would say that case solving provides students with an excellent opportunity to gain skills. My personal opinion is that education at times tends to be too theoretical and that the connection to worklife practice could be made much clearer. Case solving provides an excellent opportunity for students to obtain skills which might not be as easy to get just by studying.
What does it mean to represent LUSEM in a foreign case competition?
It is of course a great merit and a fantastic achievement to have won a case competition, which is what you will have done when representing LUSEM in a foreign case competition. So just to be there and participate means that you should be very proud of yourself. Not all students can say that they have represented their university in an international case competition, so having done that is absolutely a merit. Do not forget to be yourself as the LUSEM Case Competition jury will have liked what they saw, and to have lots of fun!
Lastly, what does it take to be the next case solving champion?
An open mind, good analytical skills, and last but not least teamwork are the three most important factors which could contribute to success in this year’s edition of LUSEM Case Competition. If you have difficulties working together as a team you will almost certainly encounter difficulties, but in case you have a great team spirit and know how to work together, that will be a huge advantage.