Will You Be The Champion of LUSEM Case Competition and Represent LUSEM on the International Stage?
Case Solving has come to be more important than ever, and in many corporations, case has become an examination method in the recruitment process when recruiting new associates. Business schools worldwide have therefore begun to focus on educating their students in case solving, among others Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM). LundaEkonomerna and…
How to reduce “tentaångest”
Exam periods are stressful, intensive and bring out a lot of anxiety for many. The stress and worrying over the exam can easily take over the focus of the actual studying and make the 8 recommended hours of sleep far less. However, exams will happen several times during your study time, so you better learn…
“The student years will be the best years of your life”. I am pretty sure we have all heard that saying before beginning our studies, which probably is correct. The student’s years are filled with social events and new adventures. However, there is more to the story. Stress, depression and anxiety is not an uncommon…