Not another C*****virus article?!
“Oh no, not another Corona based article” you might think, but worry not! This is just a reflection about what I, and probably many others, have learnt during these times of social distancing. 1. I love to bake, but I’m honestly not very good at it. Endless sourdough attempts, a kitchen covered in flour and…
7 Things to Help You Survive Autumn
As we put away our sandals and bring out our slippers and as the weather gets colder and the winter gets closer, I thought that I would make a list to help you get through this beautiful season. 1. Organise your life. No matter if it is just doing a deep clean of your flat/student…
Brunching on a budget
If there is something I absolutely love it would be brunches, because honestly, is there anything better than breakfast and lunch mashed together for us extremely indecisive people? The only thing I can think of is combining brunches and a rumbling stomach with a slim student budget. That is why I have taken it upon…
Ready, set, go!
It is a gloomy afternoon in mid March but spring has already started to show signs of longer days and better weather. With spring on the horizon so is one of the biggest, and most intense, social events of the year – tandem 2019. Originally, biking was the transportation of choice used between Gothenburg and…
Behind the curtains at Boel
Photo: Cornelia Jönsson, Boelspexarna It’s the end of February and the date for Boelspexarnas return set of Henry VIII is getting closer and closer. The rehearsals are already an everyday occurrence for the Boel ensemble but I still manage to get the privilege of a sit down interview with none other than king Henry, also…