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  • Out and About – My Exchange Semester

    Students enrolled at Lund University are given the opportunity to go on an exchange semester abroad. This is an unforgettable experience which among others will allow you to meet a diverse range of people and make many new friends. It is doubtless one of the best things you will be able to do at university.…

  • What to Expect for 2017

    This year has offered some unexpected surprises. With Donald Trump as president-elect and UK leaving the EU, there is much uncertainty revolving next year, to say the least. Do not worry though. Inspired by Fortune Magazine I would like to lift some interesting predictions for the coming year to the surface. These events might be…

  • Making Human Life Mulitplanetary

    Imagine going on vacation, not to a different country but to a different planet, or even living there! In 50 years this might be reality. SpaceX is preparing to bring people to Mars and since last week you can get a picture of what that would look like. With the TV-show MARS, which premiered Sunday…

  • Snapchat About to go Public

    Snapchat has begun preparing for an initial public offering (IPO) which could take place as early as March 2017 according to the Wall Street Journal. This mean that investors will be able to purchase shares in the company as it gets listed on the stock market. The company valuation could be $25bn according to people…