Lund’s Memeversity
Relatable memes that bring students in Lund close to each other, but definitely not so close that Vildanden seems just nearby. Gustav Christensson, the medical student behind the popular meme page Lund’s Memeversity, shares his thoughts with me about how it feels to run a page with nearly ten thousand likes on Facebook. Hi Gustav!…
Valborg is the last day of winter which makes it great to write that spring is finally here! In just a few days it’s Valborg, a day that symbolizes the spring and light. A day really worth celebrating and has been celebrated in different forms since the Middle Ages. Valborg is a term you…
Lovisa <3 Wilma
I met Lovisa Niilekselä, the project leader of the WILMA-committee. The word WILMA stands for Women in Lund Mentorship Association. We spoke about the mentorship program, why there aren´t so many men involved and how the word of this committee spread to other unions and even cities. Read more to find out all about it!…
Think inside the box
Here at EC, we are very often encouraged to think outside the box. But just for now, let’s think inside the box. Or more specifically, inside the lunch box. For many of us students bringing lunch with us to school is very common, but sometimes not quite that funny. It takes both time and energy…
Lundtan & Vinterbalen Part One: The Marshals
Winter is coming! And that means that Vinterbalen is approaching, and together with Vinterbalen comes the marshals. However, firstly it’s time to go back in time. So hold your horses! In Lund it is not impossible that you have heard the word marshal before, and if you haven’t, there is a high likelihood that you…