• Why everyone should travel solo at least once

    Traveling is a beautiful thing. It offers incredible experiences, cultural exchange, and visions beyond this world. Even though it can be thrilling to book a vacation with your friends or family, nothing can prepare you for the feeling of jumping on a plane, all by yourself. Last December, I felt like I needed to make…

  • Should I stay or should I go? – The semester of endless opportunities

    If you are studying a program or even selective courses at LUSEM, you might have thought about what to do during your fifth semester. During this period, students are relatively free to study or work with something of their choice. But being free with unlimited possibilities could also make one feel lost. What should I…

  • When I traveled to Italy by train

    Three summers ago, I went by train to Naturno, Italy. I was going to the beautiful village, located right next to the mountains in South Tyrol, to visit my parents. As I planned my trip, I decided that I would go by train. Not mainly because Greta Thunberg had convinced me to, but because It…