President’s Column #131

The year of 2016 has come to an end, which means that half of my time as a board member of LundaEkonomerna has passed. So far, I have spent a fortune at ICA Malmborgs, drunk about 850 cups of coffee and had countless of power naps at my desk. Furthermore, I have moved two times,…

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The year of 2016 has come to an end, which means that half of my time as a board member of LundaEkonomerna has passed. So far, I have spent a fortune at ICA Malmborgs, drunk about 850 cups of coffee and had countless of power naps at my desk. Furthermore, I have moved two times, yet Skånis is the place that feels most like home.

I share this home with many others and it feels like our active members spend every school-free hour inside the yellow castle. The people who spend the most time at Skånis alongside me, however, are members the board. We spend more time with each other in one week than we spend at home during a whole semester. The board works long hours, nights and weekends. I am not complaining about the working conditions in the board, on the contrary; I wish to emphasize what an amazing experience this is. We’re Halfway through our year and I have learned far more in sixth months in the board than in all my years in school. This is an experience and a job equal to a management position in any medium size organization. It will probably take long before any one of us acquires the same type of responsibility again. While you gain great experience in leadership and in how to run a very diversified organization, you get to do everything to serve the members. It’s a great feeling to know that you are ensuring the quality of our education as well as making sure students have fun and meet their future employers while doing it.

The application for the next board of LundaEkonomerna is opening in march, time flies and if anyone is interested in this adventure, I strongly advise you to start thinking about it already. And if you aren’t interested, you should be. This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Knowledge and experience aside, this is by far the most fun experience you can have as a student in Lund.

About Nådiga Lundtan

Founded in 1948 and has since been an important part of student life in the economics program at Lund University. Nådiga Lundtan covers a wide range of topics related to economics, society, and politics, as well as careers, entrepreneurship, and innovation. It is a platform for students to share their ideas and opinions on economics and related fields.

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