Axel Wijk Tegenrot Avatar
  • Beware of Truthiness!

    Don’t we all have that special someone; a friend, uncle or mother- in-law, that has an answer to everything, and that are totally convinced about their own beliefs. You know it’s hard to argue against these kind of individuals and their beliefs, because not seldom are they not based on intellectual arguments or facts but…

  • Top 5 disruptive technologies of the future

    The world we live in is in constant change, new technologies and innovations give us new possibilities and change the way we live. Disruptive innovations or technologies are those kinds of innovations that changes the way a whole industry works and disrupt the common way of doing things. A historical example is the telephone replacing…

  • Economist & environmentalist – Economalist

    As an economics student, one occasionally gets questioned about the sustainability of economic growth and the problems coming from our increased standard of living. Some people just seem to believe that environmentalism and economic growth can not coexist. This is far from true, it is rather the opposite, environmentalists must embrace the concepts of economics…

  • Faster – Higher – Stronger!

    We all know about the Olympics, the world’s biggest sporting event. What we do not know is that the Olympic games, not so long ago, was on the brink of existence. This is a story about how commercial forces saved the party and about the hangover that comes with it. The Olympic games with its…

  • Let us talk about economic indicators

    Traditional ways of looking at in which direction the economy is heading includes consumer confidence index, purchasing manager index, housing market, and job creation. Forget the old school way of looking at the economy for a while and consider some slightly more unexpected or unorthodox ways of predicting the economic future. Predicting the future has…

  • When you are out of fries…

    Many of us, me included, enjoy timely visits to various fast food joints. Maybe we do not take pride in it, but they are our saviors when we are in need e.g when you have been studying for twelve consecutive hours and do not have the energy to cook proper dinner, or when you are…