Alumni: Helena Dolfe

What did your student life look like? ”I took the chance and became an active member in Studentlund from my first day in Lund. I started off as a “förman” at Helsingkrona Nation, before I realised the opportunities that LundaEkonomerna offered. I decided to get involved within the student union after having enjoyed taking part…

Helena Dolfe Avatar

What did your student life look like?

”I took the chance and became an active member in Studentlund from my first day in Lund. I started off as a “förman” at Helsingkrona Nation, before I realised the opportunities that LundaEkonomerna offered. I decided to get involved within the student union after having enjoyed taking part in events that they offered, and the first position I held was vice president of the International Committee. Last year I was a member of the LundaEkonomerna board, an exciting challenge, which meant combining master studies with part time commitment to the student union.”

How did the road from graduation to your first job look like?

”After I graduated in June I enjoyed a three month long summer vacation before I started working at EY in Stockholm. I became familiar with the company through LundaEkonomerna, and I had already signed a contract with them around Christmas, so I knew that the road from graduation and LundaEkonomerna would be straight to EY. ”

How has your involvement in Lundaekonomerna helped you in your professional career?

”LundaEkonomerna has taught me a lot, but the skills that have helped me most at EY are time-management and networking, as EY requires abilities to socialise with clients. Also, my involvement in LundaEkonomerna has benefited me in meeting new people, as many of my colleagues have also been responsible for projects/committees at their universities prior to EY.”

What is your favourite memory from Lundaekonomerna?

”I would have to say the Novice Gala when I was new in Lund autumn 2011. It was the first party that I attended at AF Borgen, and it was one of many reasons why I wanted to get more involved within Studentlund and LundaEkonomerna.”

What does the future hold?

I recently took over the alumni network in Stockholm, Aeternum, together with Björn Hellqvist and we are currently planning our first event in November with former LundaEkonomer. After that, I am looking forward to coming down to Lund in December to attend Vinterbalen together with fellow LundaEkonomer.



Helena Dolfe


Master of Science in Business and Economics

Graduation year:

June 2015

Current city:


Current work:

EY with assurance

Past involvment with LundaEkonomerna:

Member of the Board – International Affairs, The International Committee

About Nådiga Lundtan

Founded in 1948 and has since been an important part of student life in the economics program at Lund University. Nådiga Lundtan covers a wide range of topics related to economics, society, and politics, as well as careers, entrepreneurship, and innovation. It is a platform for students to share their ideas and opinions on economics and related fields.

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