The massive, lovesick enthusiasm for Lundtan’s and Sonden’s blind date collaboration caught the editorial staff off guard! However, we gathered for a night of intensive deliberation, cyberstalking and matchmaking. And as the dust settled, we could conclude that we had engineered some pairings destined for wedding bells and future visits from the stork.
However, now once the dates are set, the question remains of what one should get up to? As Valentine’s Day approaches, it’s perhaps not an uncommon dilemma, and wouldn’t it be a shame to miss out on the opportunity of landing your very own McDreamy as a result of an ill-planned date? To lend a helping hand, I’ve conducted some research and compiled a list of date ideas in the area that are suitable for all interests, and require varying amounts of preparation.
These can all be enjoyed with a group of friends as well, because whether you’re already in a relationship or are currently taking a sabbatical from romance, Valentine’s Day offers the perfect excuse to get a break from the mundane. So, no matter how you plan to spend the day, whether it’s celebrating a connection that is romantic, platonic, or just to yourself, I hope that the following ideas will offer some inspiration.
Get Creative with Ceramic Painting
Ceramic painting is an accessible craft where you paint on mugs, bowls, or plates. It is perhaps not as hot and steamy as pottery throwing, however, it is significantly less messy and you are guaranteed new, (potentially) really cute crockery. At studio Målamik in Lund, you can book a session where they provide the tableware and paint. After you have done the painting, the studio burns it off for you, and it’s ready for pickup a week later!
If you would prefer to spend the night in with a bottle of wine, ceramic paint is available at Panduro. Once you are happy with your creation, just let it dry for a day and then pop it in the oven at 140°C for half an hour.
Play Pool
While doing my research for this article, a game of billiards seemed to be the majority’s idea of a perfect date night. And it is hard not to understand the universal appeal of a competitive activity that keeps the conversation floating in combination with a beverage to ease any potential first date jitters.
The supply of local billiards joints in Lund is unfortunately fairly limited, but both the restaurants Paradis Biljard & The South Indian have bookable pool tables available for their guests. Alternatively, if you are willing to take a short train ride, Malmö seems to have a much higher density of restaurants and sports bars where you can show off your skills with the billiard queue.
Find a Favorite Grape
What Lund lacks in pool tables they make up in Wine Bars, or at least there are enough to complete a successful date-night wine bar crawl. I don’t believe this idea needs much pitching, it is, dare I say it, foolproof. It would also work just as well at home, especially if you are spending the night with a larger group of friends who can each contribute with a bottle or two.
Go Go-karting
For those who instead are in the pursuit of an adrenaline rush, Malmö is home to the longest indoor go-kart track in Sweden. Perhaps it is not the ideal activity if the goal is to get to know each other, although you will be provided with an indicative preview of their driving skills as well as how well they can take a loss or a win.
The website advises you to book in advance, and it also promotes their guided segway tours through the city. Unsure though if I would recommend these as a substitute if the go-kart slots would fill up (not only is it weather dependent, but the combo of segwaying and bicycle helmets has the potential of becoming a major ick).
Master a Virtual Course
Perhaps you are looking for a date idea to execute at home? YouTube offers a wealth of accessible and useful courses, so you are bound to find something that caters to all interests.
For those gifted with two left feet and hips that never seem to want to sway, (or would just like some new moves to show off on GBG’s dance floor), there is a plenitude of dance classes from different genres available. And whilst sticking to the theme of physical activities, why not acquire some skills in self-defense? Alternatively, get kneading and learn how to massage, bake, or make fresh pasta to elevate the evening’s mandatory candlelight dinner.
As we reach the end of this article, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy Valentine’s Day, whether you’re planning a romantic outing or just snuggling up on the sofa to watch your favorite romcom for the fifth time.