Today LundaEkonomernas biggest event of the year starts. It is once again time for students, companies and staffer to invade our school for two days of the countless opportunities. It is time for the eee fair of 2017.
It is amazing to see the fair shaping in during the days before, completing the work that has involved 200 lundaekonomer during the past year. In every corner, you can see someone in a blue shirt preparing their part of this year’s fair, always with a smile on their face.
It is fantastic to see how much eee has grown over the years and how much its concept has developed. It is now the largest career fair for business, economics and IT students in the Nordic region and this year almost 80 companies will visit. This is truly an opportunity that attracts so many different companies and students and when I look through this year’s catalog I am convinced that this fair has something for everyone. As a student, it does not matter which semester you are at. Here you can meet with companies who are looking for students from different tracks for full time jobs, summer jobs, internships and part time jobs.
Another fantastic thing is that during eee a lot of former students comes back to LUSEM, now as representatives for their employers. It is the best living proof of much opportunities that is given to you when study at this school, and also that eee is the tool to use to make your dream job reality.
This year’s theme of the fair is breaking barriers, and it feels already in the atmosphere during the opening ceremony that this is exactly what will happen during the next two days. Because when you mix LUSEM students with companies from different sectors and industries in an interactive environment the result is nothing else but success.