The respondents in this interview do not have much in common at first glance. John Womack is a married father of two who lives in a house in Nacka in Sweden. John graduated in 1992. Edvin Eriksson, 21 years old, comes from Bromma and is now in the middle of student life in Lund. But John and Edvin have two things in common; Ekonomihögskolan and Malmö Nation. The interviewees have answered a number of mixed questions concerning both their student life and studies. Then and now. 1988 and 2021.
Have you ever wondered how it’s like to be a student at Lund University School of Economics and Management? How is it to live at Malmö Nation? Regardless of whether you are already studying in Lund or thinking of starting, this article gives you an insight into the student life here in Lund.
Which courses are included in your program? Which course is, in your opinion, most and least interesting?
John: I read mostly national economics and business economics, but also business administration and statistics. The most interesting in my opinion was portfolio selection theory and option theory. The course that was the least interesting was probably organizational theory, mainly because the course literature was a bit boring.
Edvin: My program includes business economics, national economics, introductory law course, statistics, and then you can choose between business economics 2 or national economics 2 followed by an optional semester where you can go on an exchange semester, have an internship or read something else fun. So far I have only studied business economics and right now I am studying national economics. In business economics, financial control was the most fun as that course felt most useful for my future. The organization was probably the least interesting as it was a bit too abstract for my taste.
What is it like to live at Malmö nation? Have you been involved in the nation and if so, in what?
John: It was very fun to live at the nation and it is close to everything. I never worked at Casanova but was there very often, the best club in town 1988-1992 when I studied in Lund in my opinion.
Edvin: That’s fun! A lot of fun things happen. During the autumn, I was involved in two committees, a lunch team and an Upper East team where you fix with a nice three-course dinner. The most fun thing about getting involved is getting to know many new friends.
How are/were the corridor parties? Do you spend a lot of time with your corridor friends?
John: We had a lot of dinners and parties. The best was probably at Valborg when we moved the tables out and had a “Valborg Lunch”. We hung out a lot in my hallway (middle house, first floor). There were always people in the kitchen if you wanted to take a break from studying.
Edvin: Since I have only been in Lund for one semester, I have not really been able to experience what the corridor parties are like when Corona is not in the picture, but to the extent that it has been possible to socialize, it has been great fun. I have become good friends with some of the people in my corridor, especially with the people who have been involved in the same committee that I have. Then it becomes very natural to socialize.
Do you have any tips for those who study at the School of Economics today or for those who plan to start?
John: A general tip, no matter what you study, is to read in advance, that is, before the lectures. Then learning becomes more effective. I never had that discipline and therefore had to work harder as the exam period drew near.
Edvin: My tips are to not procrastinate and to start doing your tasks in time, especially now since the teaching takes place at a distance. As long as you do not fall behind, the program is both fun and educational.
How was it before LundaEkonomerna was founded? Was there another union to get involved in for those who studied at the School of Economics? Have you been involved in LundaEkonomerna?
John: When I studied in Lund, there were EFSIL (Faculty of Economics Students in Lund) and AISEC.
Edvin: Well, I have yet to involve myself but I plan on doing so right after the end of the pandemic.
Have you found friends for life through Malmö Nation and the school?
John: Yes, I met friends who I hang out with to this day.
Edvin: Hard to know because I still live here, but of course I believe and hope that those I got to know in Lund are people I will continue to stay in touch with.
What is your best and worst memory from Malmö Nation?
John: The best memory is probably some corridor party or a night at Casanova. The worst memory is when someone climbed in through a window and emptied the entire corridor’s fridge of beer, wine and schnapps. We thought the timing was bad for that burglary.
Edvin: My best memory is from when we arranged the session “Queen of Hearts” with my Upper East committee, it was very successful! My worst memory is probably when I had lost my keys and failed to get into the corridor. Luckily my friends have my back in all situations!
Describe Malmö Nation in two words.
John: Family feeling and party!
Edvin: Community and party!
Describe your studies at the School of Economics in two words.
John: Interesting courses and good teachers.
Edvin: Informative and varied content/broad education.
Question to John: What are you working with today? Do you miss the student life?
John: Today I work as a communications consultant at Fogel & Partner who specializes in financial communications and transactions. The transition from being a student to starting work was long-awaited, to have the opportunity to start applying everything you have learned to a career. Sometimes I miss the student life in Lund, especially in the spring when Lund is at its most beautiful and when it’s perfect weather for a picnic in Botaniska or in Stadsparken.
Last but not least… Would you recommend others to move to Lund? Living at Malmö nation? Studying at the School of Economics?
John: Yes to all the questions!
Edvin: Of course on all three!