Editorial #134

G’Day! What a day and what an amazing Valborg weekend I have had! But as I stood in Lundagård and listened to Studentsångarna I realized that it is actually May already! How did that happen? Now, I only have one month left in Lund. Spring is according to me the best season and lucky for…

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G’Day! What a day and what an amazing Valborg weekend I have had! But as I stood in Lundagård and listened to Studentsångarna I realized that it is actually May already! How did that happen? Now, I only have one month left in Lund. Spring is according to me the best season and lucky for me I will experience two of them this year, since I’m going to Melbourne for my exchange semester this autumn (which is spring in Aussie!)! With that, I do not only leave my apartment and my friends, I’ll also leave my position as Editor-in-Chief to my fellow mate (already practicing the Australian expressions as you may notice) Lovisa whom I am certain will make a spiffy (that means excellent) work.

Applying for this position might be one of the best decisions I have ever taken. Not only did I get the chance to be the leader of a group, something that probably will take years before I do “in real life”, and not only to meet and work with the most amazing committee, but also to hang out with and be a part of, and I quote Inspector Thomas Kalling, “the best student union in the galaxy”. The new board of this union, LundaEkonomerna, is elected and Lundtan took a chat with all of them which you can read further in the magazine. I don’t know what is greater than the galaxy but I bet these people will make our union even better.

Since I didn’t want to end my last editorial with something boring I googled “Australian expressions” and found a page called koalanet.com (pretty legit name I must admit). With inspiration from that I want to thank you for reading our magazine, recommend you to apply for the new committee of Lundtan (or something else) next semester, demand you to appreciate the time you have in Lund (and don’t forget Lomma beach!) and say that I hope your summer is filled with lots of Barbies, pashes and tasty whinge (barbeques, long passionate kisses and wine)!

About Nådiga Lundtan

Founded in 1948 and has since been an important part of student life in the economics program at Lund University. Nådiga Lundtan covers a wide range of topics related to economics, society, and politics, as well as careers, entrepreneurship, and innovation. It is a platform for students to share their ideas and opinions on economics and related fields.

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