What did your student life look like?
”When I came to Lund, I was quite frankly overwhelmed by the amount of people that wanted to be involved in all of Lund’s organizations. Being involved in everything during my high school years, I decided to slow down and only played a minor part in Göteborgs Nation’s spexmästeri. However, after a year, I ended up getting an extra spot in LundaEkonomerna’s Sexmästeri and I have never looked back since. Throughout my years, I was involved in Club Karneval, LE Sales Team, and the General Council, apart from Sexmästeriet of course. ”
How did the road from graduation to your first job look like?
”Well, as for most students getting closer to graduation, my final semester was swamped in trying to balance job applications, my master thesis and the task to make the most out of the last months in Lund. However, I was fortunate enough to receive an offer before the semester came to an end, with the result that I was able to take the summer off. I got to fully enjoy the amazing concept of Swedish summer, which usually does not turn out as great as it sounds…”
How has your involvement in Lundaekonomerna helped you in your professional career?
”I have always looked upon LundaEkonomerna as a “try-out company”, where you get to try all sorts of things that are comparable to what you could do in the future. Sexmästeriet taught me things about organizational challenges and how to stay awake and positive, even though you have worked for 12 hours straight. LE Sales Team gave me leadership and sales opportunities, and the General Council taught me how to run an organization. So, my advice is to try everything you can before it matters too much!”
What is your favorite memory from Lundaekonomerna?
”Oh, that is a tough one… I want to say all the endless nights with Sexmästeriet in the sacred place of Skånis, combined with all the crazy things we got to do with Club Karneval. NATTFESTEN is definitely one that is going to stick for a very long time, together with Pink Party and the Carnival itself. So, to conclude, I guess a lot of things connected to Skånis is a safe bet.”
What does the future hold?
”I am part of the University Talent Program at Coca-Cola Enterprises, a position I actually found through LundaEkonomerna a couple of years before graduation. This means that I will be going through three rotations in three years before I might know what I want to do in my future career… However, in this moment my focus is also on the Alumni network, Aeternum, in Stockholm where Helena Dolfe and I will try to make the most Lund out of Stockholm as we possibly can!”
Name: Björn Hellqvist
Program: Civilekonomprogrammet, with a B.A. in Strategic Management and a M.Sc. in International Marketing and Brand Management.
Graduation year: June 2015
Current city: Stockholm
Current work: Commercial Graduate within Sales & Marketing, Coca-Cola Enterprises
Past involvment with LundaEkonomerna: Sexmästeriet, Club Karneval, LE Sales Team and the General Council.