A sense of belonging after graduation

I’ve been at LUSEM for four years… Four years that have gone by faster than I can imagine. I remember standing in Ljusgården my first day, everybody had already formed groups from the novice week, a week that I missed. Fortunately, I had a friend who introduced me to her friends, a group of friends…

Ebba Friberg Avatar

I’ve been at LUSEM for four years… Four years that have gone by faster than I can imagine. I remember standing in Ljusgården my first day, everybody had already formed groups from the novice week, a week that I missed. Fortunately, I had a friend who introduced me to her friends, a group of friends that has stayed in contact to this day.

When I started at LUSEM I planned to get involved with something, I just wanted to wrap my head around school and see how it was first. It wasn’t until wmy fourth semester that I applied for positions and tried to take part of as many events in LundaEkonomerna as possible, much thanks to the group of friends I met that very first day in Ljusgården. That way of thinking has changed during the years. Instead of waiting for a few semesters to get involved, the novices are more eager than ever to take part of our family, something that I will always admire them for.

One thing that hasn’t changed during my years is the feeling of being at Skånis. No matter who you are or who you know, you will always be welcomed with a smile when entering. This is one of the reasons why there is an Alumni network. We want to make sure that you remember the great feeling of Skånis no matter where you are in the world.

During the years, our network has organized crayfish parties in Stockholm, gone to Liseberg in Gothenburg, and had countless of AW in order to make sure our Alumni can keep in contact and help each other out when needed. Just like when we were all novices and LundaEkonomerna welcomed us to Skånis, the Alumnis greeting us newbies out from our little Skånis-bubble, to the real world.

To my help, organizing the events, making sure the Alumni are up to date regarding Vinterbalen, other upcoming events, and other matters that are in connection to LundaEkonomerna, I have Alumni coordinators in both Stockholm and Gothenburg. Without the help of Björn, Helena, and Max I would not be able to keep our Alumni network.

So, why is there an Alumni network? You can still hang out with your friends on your own, right? Remember all those times you needed help at Skånis, or perhaps you helped a member who had millions of questions. The current Alumnis are your go-to-people when applying for jobs or moving to a new city. Maybe there is a LundaEkonom there who can help you. If not, maybe someone has been there before, or maybe you will have to help the next LundaEkonom who gets a job in that particular city.

It is also a way for you to meet up with members you used to see everyday at Skånis. People you might miss but not have the opportunity to hang out with as often as you wish. Just like LundaEkonomerna is your family in Lund, the Alumni network Aeternum will be your family in what ever new city you end up in.

As soon as you are graduating from LundaEkonomerna and LUSEM, make sure you sign up for our network if you have been an active member of LundaEKonomerna. Make sure to meet your old friends in your new city, and feel that coming home feeling, as if you never left Skånis or LundaEkonomerna.

Photo: Peter Trägårdh

About Nådiga Lundtan

Founded in 1948 and has since been an important part of student life in the economics program at Lund University. Nådiga Lundtan covers a wide range of topics related to economics, society, and politics, as well as careers, entrepreneurship, and innovation. It is a platform for students to share their ideas and opinions on economics and related fields.

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