Vinterbalen 2024; “Go crazy”

“Just enjoy the night together. Not to get sentimental, but it’s going to be over soon. Your time in Lund or your university time, which becomes specifically evident to me, as this is my grand finale as a project leader and my committee’s as well. So just be in the moment, enjoy, sing.”

Axel Jonovski Avatar

The time has come once again… Vinterbalen (VB) is just around the corner! I have heard questions from left, right, and centre, so, I decided to do the obvious; why not ask Sebastian Witt the Project Leader himself? From ticket information to the structure of the night, this exclusive interview will grant you everything you need to prepare and get excited for the grand event ahead.

When we stepped into Helsingkronas Nation for their lunch, I could sense just how eager Sebbe was to crack on about VB. Having been one of his marshals along the journey this autumn, I know just how passionate the entire cohort of coordinators along with him are. Curious to begin with some context, we delved into how the process of organising and planning has been so far. Prodding Sebastian about the challenges of his role he explained “[t]he main challenge from the beginning [has been] organising the different coordinators in the committee, making sure that everything flows on seamlessly”.  An understandable challenge I was more so surprised to hear that the staff coordinator role “[took] a lot of time, a lot of creativity and also a lot of adapting to circumstances at the last minute.” With the committee having juggled an impressive amount of balls simultaneously, I was glad to hear Sebbe summarise the planning process with an optimistic statement; “challenging and stressful, I think we’ve managed it well”. 

Well aware of the numerous measures LundaEkonomerna takes to be sustainable and inclusive, what has the Vinterbalen committee considered? First and foremost, the new initiative of LE sustainability having an advisor seemed monumental, where in partnership it was discussed “how to be sustainable… not only for the ecological but also social sustainability.” Sebbe seemed incredibly ardent about how in having “26 wonderful marshals, it’s very important to make sure that they feel welcome, and that they feel comfortable coming to us in the committee if they have any issues.” In taking such considerations Sebbe provides that there was a process of “rewriting and reassessing what we should include in a code of conduct for the marshals.” as well as “a code of conduct for the committee itself, in terms of social sustainability.” 

Now focusing on purely environmental sustainability, VB has specific considerations that deserve appreciation. In coordinating the event, it is inspiring to hear the company that does the decorations in the hall is “reusing the textiles instead of buying new ones” having been at VB three years previously, maintaining an effort to contribute to a circular economy. This is further evident with the pre-event collaboration, once again with LE sustainability, “where you could buy some used dresses” as well as “instead of only giving the opportunity to buy a tailcoat, [introducing] a renting deal with Frackhuset” insinuating that a circular economy is something VB aspires to be a part of. 

For many, the prestigious VB is incredibly imbued however its significance seems to be underappreciated, this I sense, has led to scepticism over ticket prices despite the immense hype. Especially for those on their first rodeo, further costs associated with the ball such as investing in a frack or dress may seem daunting. However, the traditions remain steadfast and VB isn’t like any other sittning. Sebbe provides that there are only a select few thankyou events, “one is Astro, and then AMD of course… and then… Vinterbalen is a thankyou event.” This entails “it’s an event where you gather all of the active members at the end of the year to give a proper big sending-off for some that are stepping off, and just thanking for a successful year.”

In light of Vinterbalen being a thank-you event, the traditions are valuable in maintaining the appreciation of all members of LundaEkonomerna. These include an initiation “where you… welcome new active members into the union in a traditional way” (there seemed to be more to this however Sebbe seemed set on letting this be shown on the night),  a teacher of the year speech, and then the president will be speaking. The finaLE, however, is the tradition I look forward to the most “ending it all with the marshals singing O, gamla klang och jubeltid!” which “really sets the tone and the vibe.” Despite all these formalities, Sebbe remains that “we still try to make it fun and chaotic. It’s a very nice balance.”

Into the nitty gritty, the price includes a three-course meal, and drinks if you add on the alcohol package. Of course, we all know the answer to this but I had to ask for the sake of investigation; Is the sittning going to be vegetarian? “Yes. Yes, always.” Furthermore, there will be a sexa “like an in-between party of sorts” and then an after-party with the artists, “which we’re really looking forward to…” as well as some entertainment during the ball itself. “It’s a whole experience, a whole evening that goes well into the early morning hours.” Not to be forgotten either, the day after includes a lunch and a day party of sorts, providing that it is a “weekend of just fun, celebrating that the semester is over. Thanking our active members.”

Although there is a heavy emphasis on VB, especially the sittning itself being catered to active members of LundaEkonomerna, it is important to mention that it is just as open to those inactive members. Now passed, unfortunately, on the 25th of September there was a ticket release for those not invited which were sold at an undisclosed location. On a more positive note, the afterparty and lunch events will have a separate release date on Orbi which is yet to be released meaning you can still get involved! With this Sebbe remarked “The magic part of it [VB] is the togetherness of the union. The union is for everyone, not only the active members. And additionally, it’s our biggest yearly party, so you do not want to miss it!”

Onto some more creative and fun questions, Sebbe’s answers have spoken for themselves and I believe make for the best part of the article… please do indulge. 

What advice would you give someone attending the Winter Ball for the first time? 

Have fun, of course, and just be in the moment. I think that accounts for every seat. You’re going to be sitting with your best friends… if I’m kind with the seating chart to everyone. Just enjoy the night together. Not to get sentimental, but it’s going to be over soon. Your time in Lund or your university time, which becomes specifically evident to me, as this is my grand finale as a project leader and my committee’s as well. So just be in the moment, enjoy, sing. When there’s a snapsvisa, sing for all you can. You’re supposed to shout.

What will people remember the most about this year’s VB?

Building on the legacy of Vinterbalen, we’ve put some extra effort into the entertainment as a whole. I hope that they will remember our Toastmasters, we’re very content with those and they’re going to be putting on a show for sure. The after-party artist is worth mentioning. We’re going to be revealing the artist very soon, so stay tuned. And then some really fun, cool entertainment during the ball itself. And, maybe my speech… hopefully. I have to give myself some time in the spotlight.

*THE ARTIST IS OTTO KNOWS!!! (thankyou Erik <3)*

What’s one thing about VB that most people don’t know?

This is the 23rd Vinterbalen, having started in 2011. Eventually, it was changed from LundaEkonomernas Årsball, Lund Ekonominas Yearly Ball, to Vinterbalen. We’ve kept the integrity of the Årsball, the fact that, like I said before, we’re thanking our active members. Vinterbalen is not associated with winter itself. And it’s been very important for us, and every single Vinterbalen committee before us, to not delve into the Christmas theme.

If you could invite any celebrity guest, who would it be? 

I mean, I have always loved Håkan Hellström. Håkan Hellström. An afterparty with that guy, wow. I’d be on the dance floor constantly. So that would be cool. I’ve seen him live seven times, so… yeah!

What’s one thing you wish you could add to the ball if the budget and logistics weren’t an issue?

One of the best parts about arranging such a big sitting with your committee is all the brainstorming sessions. You know, you get into a room and you’re like, all right, we need to make this stand out, what are we going to do? And very early on, we wanted to have pyrotechnics. Yeah, pyrotechnics. On stage, for some specs and the artist, along with some confetti. Logistics-wise, AF does not want any fire, which is… yeah, fair enough. We can have lit candles on the tables, but no fire cannons. But fire cannons are cool man!

With Vinterbalen so close, I truly believe that every member of LundaEkonomerna should feel a tingle rushing through their body. With a closing statement from Sebbe… “Have fun. Go crazy!… not too crazy. Be kind to Sexet and the marshals. But most importantly have fun!

About Nådiga Lundtan

Founded in 1948 and has since been an important part of student life in the economics program at Lund University. Nådiga Lundtan covers a wide range of topics related to economics, society, and politics, as well as careers, entrepreneurship, and innovation. It is a platform for students to share their ideas and opinions on economics and related fields.

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