School´s out for summer!!

Now most of us have exams, essays-deadline or group work due during this last week in May. But for right now take a study break and long to when it is over. Maybe you will be finished with your first semester or year? Or have managed to get threw half of you bachelor or even…

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Now most of us have exams, essays-deadline or group work due during this last week in May. But for right now take a study break and long to when it is over. Maybe you will be finished with your first semester or year? Or have managed to get threw half of you bachelor or even all three years? Or are you excited for one last party in Lund before you leave Lund to explore one semester out in the world? However, after your exams you should celebrate and Nådiga Lundtan will now guide you through some of the nations and LUSEMs last parties before the summer.


So, let us start with the one closest to us. LundaEkonomernas last party for this semester is the Graduation Gala on the 2nd of June. The gala is held during the evening for master students who is graduating, and the night will be held with an Oscars theme. But this does not mean that you cannot participate if you are a bachelor student or studying courses, as long as you are a member in LundaEkonomerna you are welcome to the afterparty! So, gather your friends and have an own dinner or grillparty before heading over to AF-borgen for one last finale evening for the semester.  


Göteborgs Nation also have one final event for you, and it is Räkfesten! It is a sitting with summer theme and they will be serving a summer buffet with shrimps, salad, shrimps, pies and yes, more shrimps. How more summer feeling than this can you get? Bring your friends and your songbook and welcome the summer and end the night at the semesters last Kajplats!


Östgöta Nation is having a “Barstängning” on the 2nd of June as their last event for the summer. It basically means that it is their last club for the semester before the summer holiday and the DJ will play your favorite songs one last time. Bring your friends and celebrate in the warm summer weather because as ÖG states themselves “Spring came, Spring left, the semester is almost over, and summer is finally here!”.


Wish you the best of luck on your exams so you can feel ready for summer vacation and kick-start it with some last parties here in Lund before you go home to your home town and catch up with your old friends from home.

About Nådiga Lundtan

Founded in 1948 and has since been an important part of student life in the economics program at Lund University. Nådiga Lundtan covers a wide range of topics related to economics, society, and politics, as well as careers, entrepreneurship, and innovation. It is a platform for students to share their ideas and opinions on economics and related fields.

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