Oh, Mr President!

What made you apply to the board and how did you know that the President post would fit you the best? I could go on for way too long answering this question… (And believe me, you do not want me to start getting “långrandig”). Our Union is great! Since I moved to Lund, it has…

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What made you apply to the board and how did you know that the President post would fit you the best?

I could go on for way too long answering this question… (And believe me, you do not want me to start getting “långrandig”). Our Union is great! Since I moved to Lund, it has been a huge part of my life and has allowed me to learn, grow and experience a lot. The personal value I have received and more importantly my willingness to contribute to that same value creation for our current and future members, has been my primary motivation to be active in our Union, so it was time for me to apply to the Board.

Through my previous engagements as a Speaker of the General Council and as a Project Leader of the Corporate Relations Committee, I have gained a great understanding of our Union and its operations, and I have had so much fun. Therefore applying for the Board seemed like a great next step, where I could continue to contribute to the value creation and development of our Union during an entire year. Working full time in a great Union filled with amazing people surely sets up for a fantastic year, as well!

The reason I applied specifically for the role of President derives from several different factors, but most prominent: my wish to work with our organisation as a whole, as I believe, the synergy of all our diverse operations are one thing that makes us so great, we have something for everyone, and everything for someone; my wish to enable and help a fantastic and talented group of people in the Board to deliver their absolute best. They are the ones going to make most of the exciting and valuable things happen together with all our members. Lastly, our interdependence with the external environment and its effect on the value our members receive and therefore represent our Union towards different external parties. I am confident all these things will be very rewarding and meaningful for me to work with.

What was the hardest part of FUM?

I found two aspects to be my biggest challenges before and during the General Council meeting.

The first one was to decide what I wanted to emphasise during my speech and during the questions, what is most important for me, and how I could communicate it effectively. I could have gone on about my ideas, opinions, and thoughts for quite a while, but you have limited time at hand and have to choose what to prioritise, which I found challenging. What should I say? How should I say it so that everyone else understands my ideas? Such things are super tricky! I spent a lot of time preparing before the election to find the answers to these questions.

The second one was to handle my nervousness; I never had as shaky hands and as high a pulse as the seconds before starting my speech. It is natural to be nervous when applying for a position you truly care about when holding a speech and answering questions in front of a group of people. I believe what is most important is to remember that the General Council does not want you to fail; they want all candidates to do well. By standing there, you should already be proud of yourself!

What are your tips and tricks to the up and coming FUM? Especially for the ones applying for vice project leader?

First of all, do not hesitate to apply if you want the position! You will not regret applying. My best recommendations are much in line with how I handled what is perceived as challenges when candidating: to think about your motivation for applying, what you want to achieve in the role and how you believe you can do a good job. Then make sure to take the time to prepare, gather your thoughts and discuss them with someone close to you. It will help improve your performance and make you feel more comfortable during the election. Also, remember that the General Council and everyone else is cheering for you!

What do you think LundaEkonomerna does extra well that you really appreciate?

I believe we do many things very well, but something that has stood out to me during the last year is our unbelievable ability to adapt and be creative, support each other, and learn. We are continuously improving, trying new ideas, and finding opportunities; that is something I highly value with our organisation, and everyone within it.

What could be improved within the union?

We are constantly developing as an organisation, and there are always areas that we can improve. One such area is our ability to provide the value we create to all our members, to enable more of our members to take part in it, an area I believe we are doing great work with.

Another area where tremendous work has been and is being done, but which we should never stop trying to improve, is social sustainability. As it is such a crucial area, we should never stop evaluating and ask ourselves how we can become better.

What do you think you will contribute the most to LundaEkonomerna during this upcoming semester? 

As a good friend once told me: “If your bookshelf were to fall over, in some unexplainable way the books would still end up on the floor in perfect alphabetical order”, I guess what he was trying to say is that I am very structured, even when everything seems to not be going my way. I like to make plans, but I also have a rather optimistic approach to arising obstacles, something I believe will benefit me in the position!

I think I will bring a good understanding of our Union in combination with a constant strive to improve and develop, and I believe I will contribute to an enabling, motivating, and supportive environment within the Union so that everyone within the Union can deliver their very best, which is what makes us the very best we can be.

Who scares you the most from the old board?

Lucas, no doubt. He’s the Inkasso of LE, the King of Skånis, and the trust fund. I wouldn’t want to end up on his bad side.

About Nådiga Lundtan

Founded in 1948 and has since been an important part of student life in the economics program at Lund University. Nådiga Lundtan covers a wide range of topics related to economics, society, and politics, as well as careers, entrepreneurship, and innovation. It is a platform for students to share their ideas and opinions on economics and related fields.

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