Lundtan meets: Emma from Carnival X

If you are a “born-and-raised” skåning, or maybe more precisely a Lundabo, you know all about and might have been to one, or a few. But if you are like me, an “äkta smålänning” or come from another place in Sweden, then it probably is not as familiar. Of course I am talking about: LUNDAKARNEVALEN. …

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If you are a “born-and-raised” skåning, or maybe more precisely a Lundabo, you know all about and might have been to one, or a few. But if you are like me, an “äkta smålänning” or come from another place in Sweden, then it probably is not as familiar. Of course I am talking about: LUNDAKARNEVALEN

The very first carnival was held in 1849 with the fascinating theme: “det småländska bondbröllopet”.  In the beginning, the carnival was a spring festival, arranged by students, where they welcomed spring with a festive walk through the city. Since 1896, Lundakarnevalen has been held every fourth year. The preparations for this years Carnival have been going on for more than a year, and in the beginning of last semester they revealed next year’s theme: IMAGINALKARNIVAL.

Some time ago, LUSEM:s own carnival committee had their launching event. Carnival X as they are calling themselves is a new committee created specifically for this cause. They had turned Ljusgården into a mini carnival field with games like “tin can toss” and “pie face” which of course attracted a lot of students. Lundtan got a chance to speak to Emma Klofsten, one of the event coordinators of the committee, to learn more about them and what their upcoming plans are for next year.

Hi Emma, you guys have really done an amazing job here today! Tell us about your committee and what role you guys are playing in the carnival?
The committee consists of me (Emma Klofsten) and Joel Järlesäter who are the event coordinators. Ebba Giolitti is in charge of marketing and staff, and the head of the project is our beloved Marcus Morey. We truly are a great team and it has been a blast working with them so far! Since this is a new committee within LundaEkonomerna we had to start from scratch. There has been a lot of brainstorming and planning but we are now ready to start working. Our role is to represent LundaEkonomerna during the carnival and give all students at LUSEM a chance to get together during next year. We want to take all LUSEM-students on a memorable journey which will include a lot of crazy activities and magnificent sittings. We ensure you an adventure filled with color, love and happiness!

What is this launching event all about?
Until now, we have been working behind the scenes and not so many know that we even exist. Today we are here to give all LundaEkonomer a sneak peek of what we have planned for this year! There is also a chance to sign up to become a staffer.

Tell us more about the staffing opportunities, how can the students of LUSEM get involved within Carnival X?
Since there is only four of us we will need a lot of amazing staffers to help us on our journey towards the carnival! More information will come but I ensure you an amazing experience! (You’ll find the link to become a staffer in the end of the article).

What is next to come?
We have a consistent theme throughout all of our planned events that is JOURNEY. Might sound a bit fuzzy, but at our first event, Song Book x coming up this March, you will definitely understand why.

And last, but not least, when is the carnival?
The carnival itself will take place the 18-20 of May but our events will be going on from January/February all the way until after the carnival.

Make sure to put down 18-20 of May in your calendar and keep your eyes open for further events arranged by Carnival X. From what I’ve heard, this is not something you want to miss out on!

Are you interested in staffing for Carnival X or maybe another committee within LundaEkonomerna? Sign up on the link:
From my experience I can tell you that it’s a great opportunity to see what LundaEkonomerna has to offer and you get an insight in the different committees, beside that you will meet a lot of amazing new people! Make sure to sign up!

Photos by LundaEkonomerna

About Nådiga Lundtan

Founded in 1948 and has since been an important part of student life in the economics program at Lund University. Nådiga Lundtan covers a wide range of topics related to economics, society, and politics, as well as careers, entrepreneurship, and innovation. It is a platform for students to share their ideas and opinions on economics and related fields.

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