LE Spring Horoscope

Spring is almost here. The sun has finally returned, and we are all looking forward to longer and brighter days. Wondering what you can expect from this spring? Take a look at your spring horoscope and you might find some answers.   Pisces (Fiskarna) You will face some major challenges this spring and you will…

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Spring is almost here. The sun has finally returned, and we are all looking forward to longer and brighter days. Wondering what you can expect from this spring? Take a look at your spring horoscope and you might find some answers.  

Pisces (Fiskarna)

You will face some major challenges this spring and you will have to put in a real effort. But just when you feel like giving up, you will make it through and everything will be sorted out. Your friends will be supportive, and when you’ve finally left the struggle and challenge behind you, you will all go out and celebrate! Maybe with a dinner, or more prodigiously with a night out at the nations!

Aquarius (Vattumannen)

You feel joy and happiness – everything is just running smoothly right now! You just can’t wait until spring is here for real. Meeting up with your friends and eating a lunch in the sun at a restaurant, that’s everything you can think of right now. Remember to enjoy this time. Appreciate the happiness and joy you’re feeling. And make sure to gather some energy, because you never know when the stormy times will come back.

Capricorn (Stenbock)

You want to take the next step, and challenge and develop yourself. This might be through a new job beside of your studies, or maybe a position in a committee or getting involved in a nation. Either way, this will lead to a whole lot of fun and you will meet a lot of new friends. But don’t get lost too much in all of this new fun. Remember you still have studies to do, or you might have to take some re-sit exams in August.

Sagittarius (Skytten)

You are a bit tired of school right now, and therefore put most of your focus on activities within the Student Union or nations. Of course this is a lot more fun. But even if you’re having a really good time there, you might get some trouble with passing your exams. It’s important that you find a good balance between all the fun and the obligations in school, even if it’s hard putting all the fun things aside.

Scorpio (Skorpionen)

The wind of change is blowing in your life right now. Maybe you’re meeting new people, moving to a new apartment or just going through a change within yourself. Either way, this change will give new energy and a new perspective. Use this to be creative and effective; it will help you both in your studies and your personal life.  

Libra (Vågen)

Stress. That’s one word that can describe your life right now. You’re struggling with all the exams, but you want to have time to hang out with your friends and just chill in bed with a good TV-show for a while. You need to get structure in your life to manage the stress. And a great tip to reduce the stress is training or just taking a long walk in the spring sun to get some fresh air.

Virgo (Jungfru)

You are feeling a bit lost, what do you want in life? Is this really what your aimed to do in life? Is this what life is about? The questions are many. You need to sort everything out to find the answers. A travel, maybe just even a really short one, will help you figure out which path to choose. But of course, the most important thing is to always listen to your heart, and everything will be sorted out.

Leo (Lejonet)

Something from the past is chasing you. Here forgiveness is the key. You have to forgive, either someone who once has been really close to you, or maybe it’s even yourself you have to forgive. It will not be easy, but forgiving will help you moving on from the past. And that is needed to be able to face new challenges and feel true happiness again.  

Cancer (Kräftan)

Love is in the air – you got your eyes on someone special right now. Just as Valentine’s has passed by, the butterflies have gone crazy in your stomach. And that is just wonderful. But don’t lose yourself in the beautiful world of love. And remember those who always have been by your side, your friends. It’s really important that you make sure to combine love and friends, or someone might end up hurt.

Gemini (Tvillingarna)

You’ve had some hard times behind you lately. Losing someone, or something is never easy. Remember that it’s okay to be sad and just lay in bed all day. But you also have to fight and get out to do things as well. Even if it’s hard to leave the safe warm bed, getting out and meet your friends will really help you get back on track. They will help you find out how to laugh again.

Taurus (Oxen)

You feel like you’ve got stuck in the treadmill. Everyday feels the same, nothing extraordinary happens. You wake up, go to lectures and study, cook a dinner and you go to sleep. You want more adventure in your life, for example by going on a Surf camp in Bali or a backpacking trip through South America! But unfortunately your wallet does not allow that much adventure. You have to try to make your everyday life an adventure, and on the weekends, go on small adventures with your friends – it will make you feel better!

Aries (Vädur)

The tempo in your life is really high right now. You kind of like it, but be careful. The high tempo can easily lead to stress, which will affect your well-being more than you might think. It’s hard to prioritize between things that you like to do, but you have to try. And most importantly, don’t be afraid to say no. A “no” will be the key to your happiness and wealth this spring.

About Nådiga Lundtan

Founded in 1948 and has since been an important part of student life in the economics program at Lund University. Nådiga Lundtan covers a wide range of topics related to economics, society, and politics, as well as careers, entrepreneurship, and innovation. It is a platform for students to share their ideas and opinions on economics and related fields.

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