WILMA is a project of LundaEkonomerna that many people know of, but few people know about. To help anyone confused we compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) about WILMA, answered by the project leader Sophie as well as the two adepts Erik and Daniel   What does WILMA stand for? Sophie: Wilma stands…

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WILMA is a project of LundaEkonomerna that many people know of, but few people know about. To help anyone confused we compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) about WILMA, answered by the project leader Sophie as well as the two adepts Erik and Daniel


What does WILMA stand for?

Sophie: Wilma stands for “Women in Lund Mentorship Association” and was founded in 2002 by a group of enthusiastic female students at LUSEM in order for students in Lund (adepts) to come in contact with female professionals (mentors) through a series of intimate encounters.


Is it only for girls?

Erik: Absolutely not! I am a guy and joined with my guy friend and adept spots are open for everyone, it is just the mentors that are female. Although there were more women than men applying for adept spots last semester.


Will I have time for it?

Erik: As long as you do not study two programs at once you should be fine. I meet up with my mentor for about 2 hours every other month, so it is not a huge commitment.


Who will be my mentor?

Sophie: Women from different industries, all according to what your interests regarding the future are. We can assure that they are very qualified.

Erik: My mentor is CFO for a  pharmaceutical company, since I am interested in corporate governance.


Are they only from Lund?

Sophie: Most mentors are working in the area surrounding Lund, Malmö and Helsingborg.


Where do you meet up?

Erik: Me and my mentor decide among ourselves. It’s been at her office, restaurants…

Daniel: Since I am studying abroad we have to do it by Skype, but that works great!


Is it only me and my mentor?

Erik: I always meet my mentor along with her other assigned adept, as do most adepts.

Daniel: It started with me and the other adept going together, but now we do it individually.


How often will I be able to see my mentor?

Daniel: You decide with your mentor when you want to meet and how often. I talk with my mentor about once every month for 1,5 hours. The mentorship lasts a year.


Do you become an active member?

Sophie: You do not!


How do I know what to talk about?

Daniel: We have a set agenda in preparation for every meeting. It can be about everything from talking about my CV to train for interviews.

Sophie: There is also a general guide that you can stick to if you want!


Is the mentorship program solely regular meeting with my mentor then?

Sophie: There is so much more. There will be an information evening where we describe the program in more detail. There is also a network evening where adepts and mentors can socialize in a relaxed atmosphere with some food, WILMA Vision – an inspiring lecture held by a successful businesswoman – and other events for adepts such as brunches and workshops which make the project even more fun!


Will I get a job?

Daniel: It is a mentorship, not really a prolonged job interview. But it is a great way to get to know what different jobs entail if you are not sure what you want to become.


Why should I join?

Erik: You get answers to all the big questions you are tired of asking your parents. Your mentor supplies you with incredible amounts of tips and guide you through your future. It is also extremely fun.

Daniel: It is a unique opportunity to come in contact with someone who has experienced the same career you hopefully will experience someday. In that respect WILMA provides something very fruitful and you will earn a connection as well as mentor beyond your friends and family.


When can I join?

Sophie: Right now! The application closes on Sunday, so do not wait up! You can find more info and apply to become a WILMA adept at https://www.lundaekonomerna.se/committee/wilma/.

About Nådiga Lundtan

Founded in 1948 and has since been an important part of student life in the economics program at Lund University. Nådiga Lundtan covers a wide range of topics related to economics, society, and politics, as well as careers, entrepreneurship, and innovation. It is a platform for students to share their ideas and opinions on economics and related fields.

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