Carnival preparation, part 1: the nations

Lundakarnevalen is celebrated only once every four years. Of course it is vital to be well prepared for this bonanza of fun, and it can be hard to even get an overview of the oceans of activities. Therefore, we at Lundtan are making sense of it all for you. First up are the cornerstones of…

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Lundakarnevalen is celebrated only once every four years. Of course it is vital to be well prepared for this bonanza of fun, and it can be hard to even get an overview of the oceans of activities. Therefore, we at Lundtan are making sense of it all for you. First up are the cornerstones of student life, the nations.


18-20 may we open the doors to Paradoxivalen. Welcome to another world which will offer a magical area, world class artists and an atmosphere like no else. The area is open 14-22 Friday, Saturday and Sunday and of course Casanova will be open from 22-02 every day. Announced artists are Sam Feldt, Zonderling, Mares, Oskar Linnros and Otto Knows.


We will offer three days of festivities at their nightclub which will be in the spirit of dreams and fantasies. To celebrate the holiday the club will be open extra long to maximize the carnival festivities.

Start the Carnival friday the best way possible with a wonderful brunch. There will not only be bubbly bubbles but also refreshing and shaken alternatives. Among bubbles and clouds melodies and  songs will take you to unsuspected heights. Do not miss the chance to dance and sing with our amazing house band.

17/5, 22:00-onwards, KarnevalsKlubb

18/5, 12.00-16.00, Garden Party

18/5, 22:00-onwards, KarnevalsKlubb

19/5, 22:00-onwards, KarnevalsKlubb


Silent disco: Imagine a club where you can change the music if you do not like the song, a club where you can talk normally but still dance like a maniac on the dancefloor. Impossible you say? Oh no! Use your imagination, we have done that and made it so that every guest can borrow a pair of headphones in order to feel how fantastic and magical a silent disco is!

Pub: Imagine a sunny afternoon on the backyard with your whole group of friends. Charge up with good food and nice company in our bars.

Nightclubs: We open up for a long weekend of nightclubs where you can let loose after a day in the carnival area. Could you imagine anything as fantastic as to hang out at Östgöta nations nightclubs four days in a row? What a dream!

17/5, 22:30-02:00, Pre-karnevalsklubb

18/5, 22:30-02:00, Silent disco!

19/5, 13:00-19:00, Pub

19/5 22:30-02:00,  Nightclub

20/5 22:30-02:00,  Nightclub


We will have a vegatarian and vegan brunch (called Frunch) on sunday. A good opportunity to unwind after the festivities of the weekend with a nice brunch buffet.


We will have our pub open as a calm alternative when people are a little tired in the carnival area. Opening hours to be announced.


Blekingska will have only members activities exclusive to our members, friend organizations and alumni.

Västgöta, Kristianstads, Hallands, Helsingkrona, Sydskånska and Lunds nation will not have any activities during the carnival.


Image: Lundakarnevalen

About Nådiga Lundtan

Founded in 1948 and has since been an important part of student life in the economics program at Lund University. Nådiga Lundtan covers a wide range of topics related to economics, society, and politics, as well as careers, entrepreneurship, and innovation. It is a platform for students to share their ideas and opinions on economics and related fields.

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