When LUSEM Lets You Down

Most often the structure of classes and the teacher’s efforts work well together in order to bring the students of LUSEM a well-functioning program and organized courses that let us learn, excel, and prosper as students. With experience and knowledge that spans centuries, the school makes sure to guide the students forward, preferably in a…

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Most often the structure of classes and the teacher’s efforts work well together in order to bring the students of LUSEM a well-functioning program and organized courses that let us learn, excel, and prosper as students. With experience and knowledge that spans centuries, the school makes sure to guide the students forward, preferably in a seamless and problem-free way. Unfortunately, things do not always work out, and varying degrees of disappointment follows – but that’s when we’re lucky that there are 17 people that got our back, they deal with our daily issues. They are the school mediators and represent us in any issue relating to LUSEM, the Education Committee (UU).

Student Issues and the Education Committee

Lectures that don’t work well, teachers that are misbehaving, or digital classes that simply aren’t up-to-par, are all examples of what is known as “student issues”. These issues get in the way of you and your academic work, and its potential. No one should feel like their performance got affected by external factors especially not with an already gloomy situation on our hands. If such a situation would happen, however, you can always report the issue and the Education Committee will handle the rest. Apart from the project leaders that handle the more severe and/or personal errands, the committee is composed of student representatives that function as your voice within the school’s administration. They contact the teachers, the department heads, and the principals whenever relevant to make sure that any problem gets resolved as swiftly and as justly as possible. In order for them to do this, however, it is of crucial importance that they are made aware of any issues plaguing your courses.

How to Report a Student Issue

As you can see by the image provided, reporting an issue is not rocket science, fortunately, it’s also a quick process. A quick process that is important to do as soon as possible whenever there’s any issues with a course, or teacher, so there may be time to make necessary corrections. Here it is important to provide as much and as detailed information as possible, it helps with knowing who to get in contact with, how to build the case, and what eventual solutions that may be discussed. Even if a teacher really deserves it, simply writing “Professor Snape suuucks!” won’t really do it. The project leaders are the only ones who will know who submits what, even after your errand is put forth to one of the student representatives. Remember that any report filed will be anonymous to the school, and impossible to trace back, there’s no need to concern yourself with any repercussions – the Education Committee are the ones who pick the good fight with the school’s departments. They do it well.

Case: Macroeconomics Spring of 2020

“The thought is good and all, but is there really any results to be expected?”

Let’s go back to a recent example of a time where the Education Committee had a most successful resolution to a student issue – a NEKA12 macroeconomic exam from the spring of 2020. This was at the very beginning of distance exams and COVID-19 accustomed teaching which made the test an experiment of sorts for both teachers and students. The end result became an exam crammed in to a 5-hour timeframe that would’ve required heck of a lot more than that in order for it to be called “fair”. Maybe not so unexpectedly the department had made the exam much too difficult, and what came next were an uproar. Enter: Education Committee. In one of these situations there are a few possible outcomes

  1. A new exam may be negotiated
  2. Alternate way of examination
  3. Alternative grading system

This time around, option 3 was reached – fine solution indeed if I may say, as it brought a F to an E for yours truly 😉

In Conclusion

Next time there’s any problem with a course, discourse or teacher, of course, Don’t be hesitant to report the issue. There’s a system in place to handle the problems with force, resolve your issues, and open the doors. Trust in the Education Committee they’ve got your back. There’s a student representative for every one of the department floors. Though to run into future problems I absolutely don’t wish you, but if there happens to be a problem, rest assured, our 17 UU heroes can handle every issue. Take care. Report. And have a nice day.


About Nådiga Lundtan

Founded in 1948 and has since been an important part of student life in the economics program at Lund University. Nådiga Lundtan covers a wide range of topics related to economics, society, and politics, as well as careers, entrepreneurship, and innovation. It is a platform for students to share their ideas and opinions on economics and related fields.

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