Vinterbalen – The return to AF

Vinterbalen was for the first time held in 2000 and that was the beginning of an annual ball to thank and honor all of our hard-working members that proudly represent LundaEkonomerna throughout the year. Vinterbalen is one of Lund’s biggest balls and the second-largest white tie ball in the nordic region. Because of corona, the…

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Vinterbalen was for the first time held in 2000 and that was the beginning of an annual ball to thank and honor all of our hard-working members that proudly represent LundaEkonomerna throughout the year. Vinterbalen is one of Lund’s biggest balls and the second-largest white tie ball in the nordic region. Because of corona, the ball was held digitally last year. However, this year it will return to AF and the tradition is here to stay. You may be wondering who can attend the ball? All the active members, representatives from LUSEM, other key persons for the union, some ordinary students of LUSEM and people from unions all over Sweden are invited to participate. Tomorrow, on Sunday at 3 pm, the remaining tickets for Vinterbalen will be released on a secret spot in Lund. Some of you may wonder why you should attend and where you can find a ticket tomorrow! To answer all your questions we had a chat with Timoteo Harvey, Grand Marshal of Vinterbalen 2021.

What can you except?

Timoteo Harvey – Grand Marshal of Vinterbalen 2021

”The ball itself begins with a “holy tradition”, the Astro initiation, where all new active members will be initiated into the Astro order. Then a pre-drink will be served that leads us in to ”Stora salen” where the ball will take place, followed by a ”Sexa” (a ”Sexa” is a middle party that will be held at AF-Borgen between the ball and the Afterparty). Then it is time to open the doors once again for the Afterparty. But this is not it! There also be ”pre-events” before the ball for example a make-up session with Make up store and a chance to grab a white tie at Frackhuset. On the Sunday 12th a Lunch will take place at Helsingkrona nation, a day party with a theme, which is secret for now.”

What do you look forward to the most?

”First of all, I’m looking forward to seeing everything that we worked for, for 10 months, become reality, it will be an emotional evening for all of us in the committee I’m sure.  Witnessing all the people attending, the energy and joy that I know LundaEkonomerna can spread and to celebrate all active members who have been working within the union this year. I am eternally grateful for all the hard work that the Vinterbalen committee has done throughout the project, and this is our way to thank all of YOU! Every single person in the union matters and we want to express that with Vinterbalen. The return to AF is finally here and we once again get to experience a ball at our dear Af-Borgen. I am also looking forward to see everyone dressed up and to celebrate something together, a new era of LundaEkonomerna.”

Your biggest challenge?

”My biggest personal challenge has been to step into a role as project leader during corona and all that comes with that. Recruiting a committee of 5 people and then 26 marshals, to lead and to make the ball come true. I am honored to get a chance, as a student, to organize a Vinterbal for 522 guests. So, how difficult can it be to plan a ball? Well, the biggest challenge concerning the work we have done has been to maintain a high standard, every detail is very important and coordinating everything is difficult and time-consuming, but above all very fun. I want to thank my fantastic committee and all 26 marshals, without you this would not be possible.”

What are you doing the last week?

”We will definitely live at Skånis! It will be a lot of focus on the details and everything must be done 100 times over to get it in place.”

Can you give us a hint of where the ticket release will take place?

”Well, I hope there is no need of google maps finding this place”.

Vinterbalen is something that you can’t miss. We at NådigaLundtan are super excited about attending the ball. So, secure your ticket tomorrow and we will meet you at AF-Borgen on the 11:th of December.

About Nådiga Lundtan

Founded in 1948 and has since been an important part of student life in the economics program at Lund University. Nådiga Lundtan covers a wide range of topics related to economics, society, and politics, as well as careers, entrepreneurship, and innovation. It is a platform for students to share their ideas and opinions on economics and related fields.

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