It is truly amazing how time flies. The other day I realised that it has been six months since I, and the other members of the board got our keys to Skånis and started working for LundaEkonomerna. It feels like yesterday, but when I think of everything that has happened it feels like ages ago.
We are a large organization with a wide range of activities and events. I dare say that we have something for everyone. We provide case competitions, sport activities, inspiring lectures and many different career events. And then of course, we have our biggest social event; Vinterbalen that takes place the 10th of December.
Sometimes it’s hard to grasp that we’ve only been a student union for 21 years. If you look at what we’ve accomplished and what we have to offer our members, it feels like it shouldn’t be possible to achieve this much in such a short amount of time. It is easy to dance along to the music and forget to stand still for a minute to gain an overview of the bigger picture. The truth is, if we did, I bet we would be even more proud of our union than we already are.
I once read that life is what happens while you are busy making other plans. This is something that one should have in mind and think about more often. Our time as students here in Lund is supposed to be the best time of our lives and as a student at LUSEM and member of LundaEkonomerna I am comfortable in saying that I definitely think that is true. So, in your busy life, I want to urge you to stand still for a minute and appreciate what you can take part of during this time of your life. Do things that make you happy and whatever you do; don’t do anything that does not give you energy but, in the opposite way, steels it from you. Dare to live a little, make crazy decisions, try new things and don’t be afraid to be a little odd sometimes! You will always have the rest of your life to learn from your mistakes anyway.
We reach our goals faster if we help each other and learn from one another.
In a world that sometimes feels more divided than ever, it feels comforting to know that we are stronger. Together.