I talked to the Editor-in-Chief and asked what the theme of the chronicle was. She told me that this number of Nådiga Lundtan is inspired by the word innovation. I needed some inspiration, and the obvious thing to do in that situation was to Google the word innovation. According to Wikipedia, innovation comes from the Latin word innovare which means renew. This is a word that fits great into my reality right now as I am about to be renewed, or in other word I am about to get a successor.
Today is the day before the general council, where the new Board will be elected and the current Board will be renewed. It feels like it was yesterday I sat in the green room and waited for my turn to convince the general council why I should become the next Vice President of LundaEkonomerna. I was very nervous and asked myself several times why I did that to myself.
Today I am glad I put myself in that situation and I can not understand why I doubted my candidacy for a second. During my time within the board I have learned extremely much about myself. To go back to the theme of this issue, innovation/renewal is a word that definitely needs to be in the back of your head as The Union always want to be one step ahead.
If the thought of applying for a position where you get the opportunity to develop as a person ever crossed your mind. Do not let it stay as a thought, let the thought become a reality!