As of today, it is not more than 5 days until the general election is being held. On the election day this sunday, it will have been almost 4 years, 48 months, or 1456 days since the last election in Sweden was held and the Social Democrats formed a minority government with the Swedish Green party, which marked the end of an era in which Alliansen was in charge. As of that, we at Nådiga Lundtan wanted to highlight the swedish election by publishing a mini-series about the election this week.
Today, you will be given a short introduction to the eight political parties in the Swedish parliament… or no. I guess that most of you have a lot of knowledge about which political parties that are represented and what they stand for. Instead, we are going to dig more deep and focus more precisely on student politics! So, what do the eight parties in the Swedish parliament think about higher education? Here comes a short guide!
Vänsterpartiet: Wants universities to use several other ways in which students can apply to them, as grades according to Vänsterpartiet can be unjust due to social differences in upper secondary school and high school. Has together with the government raised the amount of money granted to students at university level by 300 SEK. Vänsterpartiet also highlights the housing situation for student and wants to build more student housing in Sweden. Highlights that education should be for everyone and not for a selected few.
Socialdemokraterna: Highlights that they want to increase the number of spots at universities. Another factor that is highlighted is that Socialdemokraterna thinks that everyone should have the possibility to study at university, no matter what background one comes from. Has raised the amount of money granted to students at university level by 300 SEK. According to Socialdemokraterna, it is important to invest in higher education when the demands on the labour market also increases.
Miljöpartiet: Wants to increase the amount of time students at university level spend with a teacher. Also wants to make higher education more accessible. Has raised the amount of money granted to students at university level by 300 SEK, and wants to work for increased economic safety for students, such as unemployment and health insurance on the same conditions for individuals in the labour market. Wants to make it easier for student to compare existing educations, for example when it comes to the amount of time with a teacher or how the education is examined.
Centerpartiet: Highlights the importance of a large variety of universities, in order to increase competition between the universities to make them develop the education they offer. Also wants to see that universities have a tight collaboration with external parties such as companies, in order to know what the labour market is requesting from students and to prepare the students as well as possible for future jobs after their education. Wants to increase the amount of available information to make more people from different aware of the possibility to study at higher level.
Liberalerna: Wants to secure the level of quality on university education by having a system with the task to secure quality on education in general. Also want to increase the amount of courses available during the summer, in order for students to finish their education quicker. Liberalerna want to attract students from foreign countries to Swedish universities, and they should get economic stimulus if they stay in Sweden after their education. Highlights the importance of high demands for those interested in studying at University level.
Moderaterna: Moderaterna want to see more courses and programmes at University level in general resulting in a higher chance to get a job, as many jobs are created through higher education. The amount of students passing through university quickly, the so called ‘’throughput’’ should be high. In general, the quality at higher education should be high, which is important due to the fact that it determines in what degree Sweden can compete on an international arena.
Kristdemokraterna: Highlights the importance of cooperation between higher education and different actors on the labour market in order for the education to adapt to the demands on the labour market. When it comes to more advanced higher education, Kristdemokraterna highlights the importance of the freedom to think about what is right, but may not always be the most convenient truth.
Sverigedemokraterna: Wants to see an increase in the amount of people that chooses an education with a good chance to get a job afterwards by economic stimulus. Also wants to focus on quality rather than quantity when it comes to education at University level. Sverigedemokraterna want to see that people in a higher degree than today choose an education that lead straight to a job, in order to create balance on the labour market. Higher education in Sweden shall be independent, in other words, politicians shall not be involved within the content of the education in question.
With some information about what political parties think about higher education, you can of course make a choice if this is something that is of large significance to you. But there are lots of questions that matter in this election. Most importantly though: go vote on Sunday!
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/Sveriges riksdag.