Meet Kio Zargarinejadi

Hi Kio! How are you doing? I’m good thank you! Lovely with some snow! What is the best thing about being Grand Marshal? The best thing is to, together with my team, create a two day event that hopefully will be appreciated by so many people. You can build your own dream ball. What is…

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Hi Kio! How are you doing?

I’m good thank you! Lovely with some snow!

What is the best thing about being Grand Marshal?

The best thing is to, together with my team, create a two day event that hopefully will be appreciated by so many people. You can build your own dream ball.

What is your vision about the ball? What will make Vinterbalen special from other balls?

This year we have, unlike other years, put much focus on creating news about the ball, freshen many parts of it up, add much new, like the lunch. Compared to other balls in Lund we different ourselves with how the evening is disposed. For example how the entertainment will look.

What are you most nervous about?

I won’t tell you what I am most nervous about. What I am second most nervous about is whether everything will oat as good as I hope. And if everyone will have as fun as I wish.

The editorial staff is very excited about the lunch! Tell us about it!!

We have never had a lunch before. We felt that if we are to compete with the other big balls in Lund we had to have one aswell. We are going to be at Malmö Nation because it is
smaller but more intimate and better hang..We have put a lot of effort in offering
a fun day party but also on not having to dance all the time, there ought to be

When does the work begin? When did you book Stora Salen?

Stora Salen is booked three years at a time. I started in the end of February, it was very many new things all the time. The rest of the committee was engaged in the beginning of April.


How psyched are you about the ball??

Extremely psyched! I have really really really been looking forward to it. Especially as you picture yourself the ball during the planning, and to experience it for real will be magical.

What is you best ball-memory?

The high school ball. It was the first time you wore a white tie, and everyone was dressed up and looked pretty. That is the thing that makes proms so special.


What will you do on Monday 12th?

I will probably wake up with anxiety over that everything is over. Take some days
o and realize what I have achieved. There will be vacuum. Ten months of planning and then everything’s over after two days. Good thing I’m going to Hong Kong for exchange studies next semester. Then nest fall I will catch up with everything that I have missed during this semester  due to much planning.


About Nådiga Lundtan

Founded in 1948 and has since been an important part of student life in the economics program at Lund University. Nådiga Lundtan covers a wide range of topics related to economics, society, and politics, as well as careers, entrepreneurship, and innovation. It is a platform for students to share their ideas and opinions on economics and related fields.

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