We’ve all had them. Some were bad, some were good, some were extraordinary. Some made an impact, some gave no impression at all. Some you will never forget, some you just wish you could forget. Yes, I’m talking about teachers.
From the moment we start school, teachers have a big role in our lives. At the age of six they are the most knowing and intelligent people you can think of, perhaps even be smarter than your parents. However, with time the role of a teacher changes. When reaching university, you suddenly are 100+ students at your lectures, and when grading your exam your name is just another one on the list. Even though the role and relationships we have with our teachers changes over time, the importance of a good teacher remains.
A great teacher is a necessity in achieving our academic goals, and the great teachers should therefore be acknowledged. The Education Committee annually arranges the Teacher of the Year, which gives us students the opportunity to acknowledge our favourite teachers at LUSEM. By together raising our voice and show what we appreciate, we can help change our education for the better. The purpose of Teacher of the Year is to show appreciation to our great teachers. LUSEM is one of the best business and economics schools, and that is to a large extent due to our teachers. The Education Committee, together with the students at LUSEM, therefore wants to reward the teachers that goes that extra mile for their students. If you wish to vote for your favourite teacher, make sure to do so before November 22nd. It only takes a minute to vote, so there is no excuse!
And do you wonder when the winner is presented? We’ll, we LundaEkonomer likes to keep it glamorous – the winner is of course presented at Vinterbalen!
It is now time for us to raise our voice and vote for the teachers that exceeds all expectations. It is time to vote for Teacher of the Year!
Vote here, and make sure to do so before the 22nd of November!