Guide to the perfect visit at Lomma Beach

The perfect guide to the perfect visit at Lomma Beach It has for sure been getting warmer and warmer during the last few weeks here in Lund and one can almost smell summer in the air! So, what do you do when the temperature is rising and you want to have a good time? Well,…

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The perfect guide to the perfect visit at Lomma Beach

It has for sure been getting warmer and warmer during the last few weeks here in Lund and one can almost smell summer in the air! So, what do you do when the temperature is rising and you want to have a good time? Well, you go to what has been described as ‘’Heaven on Earth’’ for students in Lund; Lomma Beach!

How do you get there?

If you want to go there using public transport, the easiest option from Lund is to take bus number 139, leaving from Lund Central Station. The ride to Lomma takes approximately 20 minutes. Another way to get there is by car, if you are lucky enough to have one, or by bike. The distance to Lomma is approximately 10 kilometers, so depending on the quality of your bike and the speed you are biking in, it will probably take you around 30-45 minutes to get there. But it is well worth the effort.

What do you bring there?

Swimwear and a towel is a good start. A pair of flip-flops is also to recommend if you want to head up from the beach and buy something. Almost as important, however, is to bring a good sunscreen, unless you want to end up looking like a tomato after your visit. Other good stuff to bring there could possibly be some nice picnic food, such as some cured meat, cheese, grapes and bread, and a cool bag with chilled drinks. Not to miss after the picnic, however, is to head to Lomma Glassfabrik, and buy your dessert there. You might have to wait for a while as the ice cream there is VERY popular, but believe me, it is well worth every second you stand in line! Most importantly though, bring your best friends to Lomma. They will enjoy their visit just as much as you.

What do you do there?

Go swimming, of course! Worth mentioning for those of you who, like me, had not been there before you began studying in Lund is that the water is very shallow. You will have to walk maybe 100-200 meters out into the water before it becomes deeper. But nothing is as refreshing as enjoying a swim early in the year. A good idea would be to bring a Volleyball, as there are nets provided at the beach. Perfect if you want to show your skills! But the most relaxed thing is of course to lay on the beach and work on your tan. And if you are a big fan of boats, just like me, there is a small harbour in the city where you can go and have a look at various boats lying there.

So, does this sound like paradise on Earth? I can tell you, it is. See you there!

About Nådiga Lundtan

Founded in 1948 and has since been an important part of student life in the economics program at Lund University. Nådiga Lundtan covers a wide range of topics related to economics, society, and politics, as well as careers, entrepreneurship, and innovation. It is a platform for students to share their ideas and opinions on economics and related fields.

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