Cinderella once said, what ́s a weekend with Uppsalaekonomerna like? After all, I suppose it would be frightfully dull, and boring, and completely … completely wonderful!
In October the board and almost all project leaders of LundaEkonomerna went to Uppsala for a kick-off with Uppsalaekonomerna (UE) and their board and trustees (same as our project leaders). A perfect way to be friends with our sister union and to share experience of being active in a student union, and of course to show that Lund is the obvious choice!
The weekend started with get to know each other games so we got divided into smaller groups, mixed with LundaEkonomer and Uppsalaekonomer, and we got challenges that we should achieve. It was all from saying different words that are connected with student life, to taking a photo in front of a famous statue or taking 700 steps to a famous building. After the games we went to Borgen, which is UEs equivalent to Skånis, for a sittning before we went to a nation where we danced all night long. BUT, before dancing until we can’t stand anymore, we need to tell you about the most important mission during the weekend…
As a tradition, LE and UE steal different objects from the union house. Sneaky LundaEkonomer as we are, we took all that we could find. UE, hope you don’t miss your plants or pUEben sign to much <33
Saturday. We went to Ekonomikum where we had a workshop together. We shared our experience of being a collegial in the different unions and how we can improve our work within our committees. Since we have different structures in our unions it was rewarding to hear how they work compared to us, and also how different committees in LE work.
The evening was all about cheers to new beginnings. Gräddgasquen! A sittning that economics students from Uppsala University, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm University and collegium of LundaEkonomerna participated in. I would say that this is top 5 best sittningar I have been on. It was super fun to get to know students from the different universities and to see how the sittning- culture in Uppsala is compared to Lund.
With foil hats on our heads, applauds to our president that you could hear all the way to Lund and the funniest bordsdam/bordsherre the other unions will ever have, we proved that LundaEkonomerna is the most psyched union. I mean we were 30 students from LE and the other unions had hundreds of students and we still sang the loudest?!
After all, our trip to Uppsala is the best thing by far by being a collegial! I have learned alot from UE and the project leaders within LE. And the best thing has to be that I have made so many new friends by this. I’m already looking forward to Ugglan, which will be the same thing this spring but this time in Lund. You definitely don’t want to miss this and you have the chance to participate by applying for the collegial positions. You can find them on!
Hopefully, UE isn’t scared of our party skills and are as excited as we are for this spring! See you at Ugglan!