Celina Burian Avatar
  • Have you ever heard of European Citizens’ Initiatives?

    It is a one-of-a-kind approach for you to help build the EU by requesting new laws from the European Commission. Once such an initiative has received one million signatures, the Commission will decide what action to take. In short, they are a way to change EU legislation on topics and issues EU citizens care about.…

  • How to become a Project Leader at LundaEkonomerna

    Getting engaged with LundaEkonomerna is not only fun, but also a great opportunity to meet new people. In case you’re up for a challenge and want to apply as one of the Project Leaders, you’ll quickly find out that you will have to hold a speech in front of the General Council. In this article, Lovisa Garberg,…

  • What will you do after you graduate?

    Many questions accompany us through our lives. However, the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” is possibly one of the most common. It is constantly asked by parents, teachers, friends, relatives, and everyone around you. The question usually first pops up in preschool, when you’re asked to fill out a page in someone’s…